Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Treehouse of Hor-Ed

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TreeHouse of Hor-Ed

By Tyler Ferronetti
Eddy-Welcome to our Halloween special.
Eddy-This fanfic is divided in 3 stories enjoy!
Revenge of the Living Eds 
By Tyler
Eddy-This is terrible!I hate em!!!!
Eddy-I hate the cul-de-sac kids!
Edd-why do you hate the kids?
Eddy-They were makin fun of me!They said they hated me!I'm gonna git-R
Edd-You said you wouldn't get revenge anymore in Tease-Ed Again.
Eddy-I meant I wouldn't get revenge off of you guys.
Ed-*picking his nose*Let's get funky.
Eddy-Ah!It's almost Halloween!I'll dig up dead bodies & bring em to life!
Edd-Eddy!......*Eddy puts Edd on a tube & throws him in Peach Creek*
2 hous later at midnight...............................................
Eddy set the dead bodies loose in the cul-de-sac.There were 1,000 dead bodies!
Soon the cul-de-sac was in fright.
Nazz-AHHH!He's runing my hair!!!!!!
The dead guy puts goo in Nazz's hair.
Kevin-Youch!!!!!!!!!     Jonny-OWHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!    Rolf-Arhordyarhordykasmushkasmoosh!!!!!!
Ed-Monsters!!!!!!*Ed tries to get a monster but Eddy pulls him back.*
Edd-Eddy, look what you did!!
Edd-No!It is not cool!!!We have to get rid of the carcases!
Edd-Dead bodies.I made a lightning zapper.This will make the bodies dead again.I will bury them after(and was my hands).Edd gets rid off the monsters with his zapper.The cul-de sac kids reward Edd & cheer for him.
The cul-de-sac kids pound the heck out of Ed & Eddy.
2 hours later.............................................
(Edd gets rid of the dead bodies)
Eddy & Ed were beat up and wore casts.
Edd-What have we learned?
Eddy-Revenge isn't the answer.
Ed-This is funny!*pokes his pimples*
Edd-I got rid of the monsters.Nothing to worry about.
Dead body-Wazzup,Bros?!!!?
Eddy stares at the readers of the fanfic.
       The End

Tune into more off Treehouse of Hor-Ed stories.Coming up next.
(Coming soon)


Eddy-Welcome back to Treehouse of Hor-Ed.This next story is about when  Double Dee walks out to the woods at midnight & makes a chilling discovery.Hope ya all enjoy,"In a Dark,Dark, Ed".
Eddy-Get out of the audience,Ed!
In a Dark,Dark, Ed
By Tyler
Edd woke up at midnight beacuase he heard strange noises.
Edd-What's that noise?
Edd puts on his clothes & walks outside.He enters the woods.Soon,bats surround him.
Edd-Egads,Bats!!!!AHHHHH!!!!!!*shoos them away*
Soon,Edd finds a monster howling at the moon like a car alarm.
Edd screams  & runs away.
At Eddy's house....................................................
Edd knocks on Eddy's door.
Eddy comes out half awake.
Eddy-Who turned out the sun?
Edd-Eddy,I found a monster in the woods!
Eddy-Woah!I go get my clothes on.
They do the same with Ed.
Ed has a baseball bat.
They enter the woods.
The monster-ROARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
Ed,Edd & Eddy-AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Ed hits the monster with a baseball bat.
The Eds-KEVIN?!?
Kevin-It's me ya dorks.
Kevin-I wanted to scare you guys ,Jimmy,& Jonny.
The Eds walk away.
Eddy-I'm goin to bed.
Ed-Is it nap time?
The Eds go home.
When Double Dee was asleep, a monster a mereged from his closet.......
The End?
Stay tuned for more Treehouse of Hor-Ed.
(coming soon)

Eddy-Welcome back!The cul-de -sac is here for my Halloween Party!
Jonny-*in a Plank costume*Wonder what we'll do next ,Plank?
Plank-*in a Jonny costume*..................................
Sarah-*In a witch costume* One of the stories has me in it,Jimmy!
Jimmy-*in a dentist costumeYou go girlfriend!
Kevin was dressed as Frankenstien.Nazz was the Bride of Frankenstien.
Eddy walks over to Rolf.Rolf is wearing a cape & fangs.
Eddy-Are you a vampire,Rolf.
Rolf-No.I am a man-eating Schlidelhodenmosterformthebeyond
Eddy-*weirdly freaked out*Okay.
Ed-*in a lamb costume*ROARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Edd-*wearing an Albert Enstien costume & waving at the fanfic readers neviously.*
Eddy-Now,coming live  on our halloween bash,Hoc-Eds Pocus!
Hoc-Eds Pocus By Tyler
Sarah finished pounding the heck out of the Eds.
Eddy-I haTE HER!!!!!
Edd-She is ferice.
Ed-What a witch!!!!!!!!!
Eddy-Ed,I've got it!Maybe Sarah's mean, because she's a witch.
Ed-*following Eddy*WAIT FOR MY SIGNAL,Eddy!!!!!
Edd-THIS SHOULD PROVE MENOTONOS!!!!!!!!!!*follows*
Sarah walks outside ,but the Eds tie her up.
Sarah-WHAT DID YA DO TA MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy-*slyly*We know your secret,Sarah.
Sarah-*scared*Ya do?
Eddy-SHUT YOUR MOUTH,SARAH!We HAVE PROOF!!!!Why are you always mean to us?Why do you make poor Ed do your chores?!?*Ed makes a sad puppy dog face & shake his head.*Why are........
Sarah-That's It!!!!*rips out of chair & grabs the Eds*YOU GUYS ARE IN BIG TROUBLE GUYS!!!I'M TELLIN YOUR MOMSS!!!!!!!
Eddy-AW MAN!!!
At midnight..............................................
Sarah jumps out the window.She sees if no one's looking.She puts on a witch coat & Hat. She jumps on a broom stick & speeds off into the night.
Sarah makes a witch's cakle.SHE WAS A WITCH!!
The End
Eddy-Let's have a big hand for Sarah.
The cul-de-sac claps& Sarah bows.
Eddy-And now,the stoy Everyones been waiting for,(my finnest hour.)The Shinn-Ed.
Everyone cheers.

The Shinn-Ed  By Tyler
The Eds were running the candy store.
Eddy finds a sign in the window.
Eddy-The CANDY STORE'S CLOSED??!!!!!??
Kevin-The jawbreaker factory broke down.
Eddy-NO WAY!!!I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy runs  home.
Late at night.........................................................................................
Edd was sleeping.He screams.
Eddy was trying to stab him with a knife.
Eddy-No jawbreakers means.....EDDY'S GOIN CRAZZYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy throws the knife.
Edd-DON'T MURDER ME,EDDY!!!!!!*starts crying*
Eddy-Don't worry.....I'LL DO IT TO ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy leaps through the glass window.
Ed was snoring loudly.
Eddy enters the room.He tries to stab Ed ,but Ed wacks Eddy in the face & out the window.Eddy layed on the sidewalke.Bleeding and injured.................
The next morning...........
Edd-Let's g get a jawbreaker,Eddy.
Kevin-They don't have jawbreakers at the candy store.The jawbreaker factory has to be fix &will make jabreakers in 3 months!
Eddy-*screams loudly*AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy makes a scary look and holds up a knife...........................
The End?

The cul-de-sac cheers.
Eddy-Well,that's our show.Thanks for watching.
The Eds walk outside Eddy's house.
Soon, a dead body comes out of the ground & chses the Eds into the night.
The Eds scream.
                           THE   END