Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Edd Tremain & The Sons of Liberty

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By Daria
Based off Disney's Johnny Tremain and the Sons of Liberty
Edd Tremain/Johnny Tremain   Sarah Lapham/ Sophie Lapham   Eddy/ Rab   Jonny/ Paul Revere  Rolf/ British officer  Nazz Lapham/ Mrs. Lapham   Kevin/ Mr. Lapham  Ed/Goblin  Jimmy Lyte/ Mr. Lyte
*Camera cuts to Lapham's Silversmith Shop.  Jimmy Lyte walks in, all dressed up in fancy colonial clothes*
Kevin: Oh!  James Lapham!
Jimmy: I have brought an old pouring cup that you once made in your younger years.
Kevin: I know, it was my best work, but I'm old now.  I couldn't possibly fix the handle exactly the same way!
Jimmy: Fine then, I'll send it to Mr. Revere.  I know he's a silversmith.
Edd: Wait!  I can try!
Jimmy: I need it by Monday night.
Edd: Two days notice?  No problem!
After a while, Edd has trouble repairing the handle of the cup.  he heads to the revere silversmith shop, and walks up to Jonny Revere's asisstant, Eddy.
Eddy: Hey, Tremain!
Edd: Nice to see you, Eddy!  Is Mr. Revere here?
Eddy: No problem!  Upstairs!
*Edd runs upstairs to see Jonny*
Jonny: Tremain!  Doesn't Lapham need you?
Edd: I'm trying to repair Mr. Lyte's pouring cup, but I can't get the handle exactly right.
Jonny: Here's the problem! You didn't curve it enough!
*That night, Edd's working on the handle downstairs when Sarah comes down*Sarah: You're still working on it Eddward?
Edd: I've almost finished.  and I'm going to put my logo on the bottom of the cup.
Sarah: But you're using the lyte family crest!  and what are the Initials for?
Edd: It's Eddward Lyte Tremain.
Sarah: You mean you could be related to him?
Edd: I'm pretty sure, somehow, that I'm his grandson.
*The next day, when Mr. Lapham is away, Nazz, Sarah and Edd are trying to finish the metalwork before he gets back*
Nazz:Hurry, Eddward, hurry!  He's almost here!
*Just as Edd finishes pouring some melted silver, some spills on his hand.  soon, Kevin returns and notices that Edd's hand is wrapped in a bandage*
Kevin: what are you hiding, Eddward?  Show me your hand!
*Edd sighs and unwraps the bandage.  His hand is badly burnt, and his fingers are melted together*
Kevin: I can't have an asisstant who is one-handed. Get out!
Edd: But Mr. Lapham, the cup---
Kevin: OUT!!!!