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Junkyar-Ed Wars

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Junkyar-Ed Wars Part 1

By Daria
Based off TLC's Junkyard Wars and Junkyard Mega Wars
*camera shows the hosts Bobbi Sue and Rossi*
Bobbi Sue: Hello, and welcome to our special: Junkyard Cul-De-Sac Wars!
Rossi: Today, we have two teams from Peach Creek, and within ten hours must build a fast, all-terrain vehicle from parts found in the local junkyard!  Ladies and gentlemen, the first team, the Sock Heads!
*camera shows Eddy posing*
Eddy: My name's Eddy, the captain of the team!  I'm suave, cool, and lookin for love*winks*
*camera shows Ed*
Ed: Hello, my name is Ed.......pickle?
*camera shows nazz*
Nazz: Hello, my name is Nazz.  I love to build things, and I'm lookin to win!
Bobbi Sue: The expert for the team is the cul-de-sac's local brain, Double Dee!
Edd: Um...hi....I guess I am very smart...
Rossi: and now to the other team, the gear riders!
*camera shows Sarah*
Sarah: My name's Sarah, and if we lose I'm telling mom!
*camera shows Jimmy*
Jimmy: I'm Jimmy, and I'm here to back up Sarah.
*camera shows rolf*
Rolf: Rolf must build the best all-terrain vehicle!  Hello, Victor!
Rossi: The expert of the team is Kevin, who knows all about wheels!
Kevin: We're gonna win, and kick Eddy's butt!
Bobbi sue: Let the games begin!
Bobbi Sue: In the junkyard, Eddy has found an old pickup truck.  the back of the truck will be used as the top of the vehicle.  Nazz wants to use two oil drums on each side of the raft to help it float.
Rossi: While on the other side of the Junkyard, Kevin brings in an old pontoon boat, which will be used as the base.  The team is ready to begin, and Sarah has brought in four wheels for the land terrain.