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   Uncle Eddy's story of
           Laff-Ed-caddo :  The Lion who shot Bak

By Tyler Ferronetti
A parody of Shel Silvestein's Lafficado:The Lion who shot Back
Eddy-Uncle Eddy(Uncle Shelby)       Ed-Laff-Ed-caddo(Lafficado)
Rolf-Old man Lion(old man lion)        Jonny-Circus ringmaster(Circus ringmaster)
Hunters are played by Kevin(hunter #1),Plank(hunter #2 ),& Emily(hunter with ringmaster)
Part 1
Uncle Eddy-Hi.I'm Uncle Eddy.I'm gonna tell you about an unusual lion.
It all begins in the jungle of India.There were a large tribe of lions.One day almost all of the lions were runing away ,except Laff-Ed-caddo.
Laff-Ed-caddo -Wher's everyone goin?
Old Man Lion-They are running form hunters.You should run ,too,Laff-Ed-caddo boy.
Laff-Ed-caddo -Hunters?What are hunters?I'LL GO FIND ONE!!!!
Soon,Laff-Ed-caddo bumps into a huner holding gun.
Laff-Ed-caddo -What are you hold that thing for?
hunter-I'm gonna shoot you with my gun.You will be a carpet.I will roast marshmellows on you.
Laff-Ed-caddo -What are marshmellows?THEY SOUND GOOD!!!!
hunter-*holds his gun*Let's get this over with.
Laff-Ed-caddo -I don't not wanna be a  rug!
hunter-*about to shoot*Too bad.
Laff-Ed-caddo -*points* LOOK A MONKEY!!!!
hunter-*Looks behind*Where?
Laff-Ed-caddo eats the hunter.
Laff-Ed-caddo -I guess I'll take hi gun,gun bullets, & hat as a sovineer.
Laff-Ed-caddo walks off.
Part 2
Laff-Ed-caddo brought the gun,bullets, & hat to the group meeting.
All the lions gasp And scram in fear.
Laff-Ed-caddo-Wh...What did I do?
Old man lion-That gun is what those hunters use to shoot us.
Laff-Ed-caddo-*peting a rabbit* Bunnies are so soft & fuzzy.*eats the rabbit*
At night.....................................................
Laff-Ed caddo would practice every night shooting gun with different parts of his body.
So he became a master shooter, but one day, a cicus man came to the jungle to find Laff-Ed-caddo.
Circus ringmaster-Hi! I've been watching you over many days.I want you at my circus and be a star,& you'll have so much money, you could buy anything.
Laff-Ed-caddo-Can I buy a marshmello?
Circus ringmaster-You could have more than a marshmello.You could have marshmello chairs ,hats, suits,MARSHMELLOW EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
Laff-Ed-caddo-Well.........................................................OKAY I'LL DO IT!
Circus ringmaster-YES!!!!
A Few days later...............................
They arrived in the city.Laff-Ed-caddo & the ringmaster went into a taxi cab.
Laff-Ed-caddo-What is this thing?
ringmaster-This is a taxi cab.It'll take you to far away places.
Taximan-Hop in the cab and I'll take you wherever you want.