Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
It's the Great Pumpkin, Ed!

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    It's the Great Pumpkin, Ed!

By Tyler Ferronetti
An EEnE version of Charles Shultz's It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Part 1
The Eds were talking on the sidwalk.
Edd-Tommorow is Halloween.
Ed-What is up with that?
Eddy-I'm gonna dress up as ....... A COCROACH KID!
Edd-I'm dressing up as good ol' Albert Enstien.
Eddy-What are You  dressin up as,Ed?
Ed-I'm not going this year.
Ed-I heard of the Great Pumpkin.Every Halloween, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch on Halloween night & gives candy to all the good little kids.
Eddy-But Nazz is inviting us to her Halloween Party!!!!!!!
Ed-You guys go.
Eddy-Bring me extra candy .
Ed-Yes sir.
Part 2
The Next
Edd was going to dress as a ghost,but he cut too many holes.
Eddy was puting on a Gremlin costume.Edd screams.
Eddy-It's just me ,Double Dee.
Edd looks down at his shoes & screams.
Eddy-What?Now you're afraid of your feet?
Edd-No.I have long toenails.*clips his toenails*
Sarah was with Ed.Sarah was dressing as a witch.
Ed-You look good,Sarah.
Jimmy-What are you being,Ed?
Ed-I'm going to find the great pumpkin.
Jimmy-Ooh!Tell more!
Sarah-Let's go,Ed.
Everyone goes outside..
Rolf-Rolf is a Crapssneggleschmoddenwhichabalooger for Halloween.
Kevin-*in an awsome Terminator costume*So your wearing a pllowcase & stuffing
on your head?
Rolf takes out the hand of discapline and hits Kevin.
Nazz-I'm being a pop singer.
Kevin-Nice costume,Nazz.
Edd-I'm a ghost.*looks down*I had trouble with the siscors.
Jonny-I'm a robot!
Plank-*in a lamb costume*....................................................
Jonny-Plank's being a lamb for Halloween.
Nazz-Why aren't you wearing anything,Ed?
Ed-I'm going to see the great pumpkin!
Kevin-What a loon!*everyone except Edd & Jimmy laughs*
Jimmy-I wanna go with Ed to see the Great Pumpkin.
Sarah-come on,Jimmy*everyone walks away including Jimmy,but Jimmy runs back*
Jimmy & Ed walk through the woods & Go to the pumpkin patch.
They sit down in the pumpkin patch .
Ed-Thanks for joinin me ,Jimmy.Now,We're gonna see the Great Pumpkin,with our
own eyes.*makes bulding eyes & the smiles  a big toothy grin & shows his
Jimmy-Why do ya think he's comin here?
Ed-I just know.The Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch & brings
candy to all the good little children.He doesn't bring anything to Eddy.
Jimmy-I know why that is.


Part 3
The cul-de-sac kids were trick or treating.
all-TRICK OR TREAT!!!!!!!!
Soon,everyone gets something.
Kevin-A GOT A PACK OF M & M's!!
Rolf-Rolf got a pig snout!
Nazz-I got candy lipstick!
Sarah-I got a Hershie's bar!
Edd-I got a rock.
They all  went to another house.
Jonny-I got a choclate bar!
Eddy-I got a jawbreaker!!!
Nazz-I got a fudge ball!
Sarah-Me too!!
Kevin-I got a jawbreaker!!!
Jonny-Plank got the same as me!
Rolf-Rolf got a  10000000000000000 leaf clover!
Edd-I got a     Rock!
They went to another house
all-TRICK OR TREAT!!!!!!!!
All-*except Edd*WE GOT JAWBREAKERS!!!!
Edd-I got a.................OOOO!!!!! Garbonzo Paste!!
Eddy-Uh,you're kidding right?
At the pumpkin patch.............................................
Jimmy & Ed wait doing nothing.
Jimmy-Are you sure he's coming?
Ed-Oh yeah.The Great Pumpkin rises out of the...................
Jimmy-I know.
At Nazz's Halloween party..........................................................
Nazz-Hey everybody,it's time to bob for apples!!!
All-Yeah!!!Oh Yeaaah!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy-Go first,Sarah!You have a big enough mouth for it!
Sarah pounds the heck out of Eddy.
Kevin,Jonny,& Rolf were watching scary movies.
Rolf-Rolf says this movie has too violece.
Later(in the pumpkin patch)........................................................
Jimmy-I HAD ENOUGH!!!! I don't think he's coming at alll!!!!
Ed-Come on,Jimmy.He's coming soon.
Jimmy-I was tricked out of trick or treats to wait for a stuid pumpkin!! I'll sue!!!!!!!
The cul-de-sac kids appear.
Sarah-Come on,Jimmy.Let's go!
Edd-You beter come too,Ed.
The cul-de-sac kids walk away.
Ed-It won't be long now.If he comes....I MEAN WHEN HE COMES...............*makes a nervouis look*I'm doomed!He'll never give me presents again!
at 1:00 am........................................................
Sarah finds out Ed's still not in his bed.
She goes down to the pumpkin patch to find Ed shivering on the ground.
Sarah drags Ed home and tucks him in bed.
The next morning...................................................
Eddy-Are ever gonna do that Great Pumpkin thing ever again,Ed.
Eddy-Maybe next year,you can dress in your monster costume!
Ed-Yeah!We can go see the Great Pumpkin agian next year!
The End