Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Ei, Ei, Ed

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By Blake
It was a typical day in Peach Creek.
Eddy:I'm bored.
Edd:Something will happen.
Ed:COOKIES AND MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy:Besides that?
Eddy:What's that?
Edd:Probably Rolf.
Ed:HIYA ROLF!!!!!!
Rolf:*snilffle*Hello,Ed boy.*sniffle*
Edd:Are you alright,Rolf?
Rolf:I  invited  a Switezerbangeralaconofie in my  country.
Rolf:Noone can take careof my animals.
Eddy:We'll take care of them!!!!!!!
Rolf:Fine,Rolf  will rerard you when you get home.Bye,Ed boys.
Eddy:We're here!!
Edd:We forgot Ed at home.
EddY:He can take care of himself.
Edd:WHAT ARE DOING?!!!!!!!!!!!?
Eddy:Fine,I'll look.
Ed's head sticks out of a cow's nose.
Ed:AH HA !!!HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!
Edd:....get out of there!
Ed:Okay.I feel loved now.
Edd:Ed,work with the chickens.
Ed:OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy:I fed the cows food from this bag.
Edd looks at the bag.
Edd:Eddy,this is the bag where Rolf keeps HIS COW'S COW PLOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy looks at the bag.
Eddy:It thought it looked like food.
At the chickhens...............................
Ed:CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pet the chickhen.Pet the chicken.Whadaya wanna do know, chickhens?
Near the pigs...................................
Eddy:The pigs are clean.
Edd:Very good!
Ed:*shows up*Get your chicken baloons.Only 25 cents.Who would like one?Huh?
Edd:Ed!What have you done?!!!?
Ed:But,Double Dee,they wanted to do it!
Edd:Oh,please!Gimmie it.
Edd grabs 'em,and they explode.
Eddy Now you done it.
Edd:I made cardboard chickens.Rolf won't know.
Eddy:I'll get some grooming stuff for the animals.
Victor starts to charge at Eddy.
Eddy flies into the air.
Edd:Ed,we need to help Eddy.
Ed;Shush!My yeast is rising.
Sarah and Jimmy were jump roping.Untill, Eddy fell on Jimmy.
Sarah:GGGGGGRRRRRRR!!!!!!!ED!!!! I'M TELLIN' MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Eds:RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At Rolf's Farm....................................
Edd:We still gotta work.Ooooh!!!I said gotta!EEHHG!!
Eddy:Get a grip.Come on.
Victor runs through the fence.
Edd & Eddy:AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Ed:Come back!!!!
The Eds run after victor.
Ed:Goats are fast.
The animals ran through the fence that was broken.
The next day........................
Rolf:Ed boys!!!!!!!!!No money!!!!!!!
Edd:Come on,Eddy.Let's go home.Coming,Ed?
Ed:*running in circles*
Edd:*grabs him*Come on,Ed.
Rolf:Rolf will feed his chickhens now.
Edd:*whispers to Eds*Oh no the cardboard!!!!!!!!
The cardboad chickens fall down.
Rolf:ED BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Eds:RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rolf chases after the Eds.
Edd:Why did I have to do it?!?
Ed:Who's there?