Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Things That go Ed in the Night

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Things That Go Ed in the Night ( The New Neighb-Ed 2)

Author: Hello? Where am I? I miss the padded walls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, uh, um, hi? Stop looking at me!!!!!!! Turn! *turns camera to the other side of the room where a clock reads 5:07 A.M. standard eastern time?*

Its July 22. In the cul de sac there looms a dark figure. Its the new kid! Kevin is walking Sunshine. Spotty is sleeping.

In Edds house Ed and Edd are having a sleepover.

" Ed! If you wont comb your hair I will!" Edd shouts. He pulls out a comb and combs Eds tangled locks.

Fish skeletons, Plank, buttered toast, gravy, and the city of atlantis come out and fly out the open window.

" Just hurry up and do your bussiness, Sunshine," says Kevin then suddenly... BONK! Hes under Edds window and gets pummeled by Eds hair contaminents. " Happy Halloween!!!!!!"

" Oh no. Hes delirious," Sunshine said.

That morning Kevin got into his regular routine. He went out side and went to the Eds with Sunshine and Spotty. Ed glared at Kevin. Remember that Ed is jealous.

" Happy Halloween, guys!" Kevin yells.

" Kevin, even Ed knows its not Halloween," Double D said.

" Yeah, its Thanksgiving!" Ed said superiorly.

" Nonsense! Its my favorite holiday," said Kevin.

And so Kevin makes them carve pumpkins,

put up decorations and more.

Hoping to talk to Kevins Mom about this, the Eds go into Kevins house and are scared out of their wits. A skeleton fell from the door and a roar played on a cassete player. The room was dark and Lights glew in certain places. Lights would flash, showing a scary being in a chair, laughing. Double D ran up the stairs for shelter and found another chair.

" You come to me on the day of my masters delirism-ism uh," a voice says. The chair spins around revealing a frustrated Sunshine.

" You can speak english!?" Double D cried.

" Yeah, only me, though," Sunshine explained. " Lab explosion, you know the whole special effects thingie, yada yada yada," Sunshine said rolling her hand around like it was nothing out of the ordinary. " Anyway my master was standing outside your window this morning and miscellaneous things fell on him making him delirious."

" Oh, sorry," Double D said. " Who knew that was in Eds hair?"

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Ed and Eddy screamed. They ran into the room and were followed by the monster in the chair.

" Hes gonna get us," Eddy said. They were cornered. Sunshine leaped into the air and ripped off the monsters clothes.

" Its-a me, Mario!" Kevin said, luckily having his clothes under the costume.

" Theres something in my ear!" screamed Ed. He wacked his ear and a radio came out and hit Kevin.

He was back to normal and said, " Thank you, Ed, as a token of my appreciation you can have Spotty."

" Thanks, but you can have some money, too," Ed said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a dollar. So Ed got a puppy, Kevin got in trouble for decorating the house, but had some fun, Double D told everyone about Sunshine Kevin knew, but nobody else did, and - hold on. Go back to the dollar scene.

" You had a dollar?" Eddy yelled. Instead of yelling some more he said this very calmly. " When all else fails, result to cliché cartoon antics." He reaches behind his back and pulls out Homer Simpson.

" Doh!," said Homer.

Inspired, Ed tried it too. He pulled out Wile E. Coyote who held up a sign reading " Put me back in my own cartoon." Double D tried it and pulled out the Road Runner.

"Put put put. Meep neep," Road Runner said.


Credits start to play, but very fast. Ed sticks his tongue out in amazement, and his tongue gets stuck and gets pulled up with the rest of the credits. Ed is then sucked in and gets rolled around with the credits.

Author: This is not the end, no copyrights have been infringed, I came up with the credits joke myself. (Watch the Proud Family credits and youll know what I mean.) I couldnt resist putting new characters and cross-overs in these fanfics but I wanted to keep the original ed formula going, but I cant.

To make up for that Ive made this