Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Stung by the Ed

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Stung By the Ed

By Blake
Part 1
Eddy:Come on,Double Dee!
Edd was finishing watering his garden.
Edd:I'm almost done.
Eddy:You said that an hour ago.
Ed looks at a bee.
Ed:Ha ha ha ha ha ha .Hello,bee.*pets the bee*
The bee stings him.

Edd:Ed,what happened?
Ed:I was petting this bee,and he blinded me with his venom.
Edd:Ed,The bee stung you.
Eddy has an idea.
Eddy:Ed,I deem since the bee stung you,you're turning into a mutant.Look.You are swelling.
Edd:I discredit that!I deem you won't turn into a mutant!I'ts not possible!!!
Eddy:Come on,Ed.We can generate the thought I had by terrorizing the cul-de-sac.
Ed:I will idolize!
Edd:Oh,he's so stubborn.
Later,that night..........................................
Eddy:No strifing me.I've waited for this day.Oh,and, NO revocationing, either.
Ed:Why would I go on  a vacation now?
Eddy:Shut up,Ed.
To be continued...............................................


Part 2
Eddy:Let's get to Jimmy's House.
Ed:*stands still*Ha ha ha ha ha.
Eddy:Come on!*grabs Ed*
At Jimmy's house............................................
Eddy:Where can we hide?There's so much toys.
Ed:There.*points to a closet*
In the closet........................................
Eddy:Put this fake head on next to your head.
Ed puts it on.
Then,Ed goes out and scares Jimmy.
Eddy:Great.He woke up the cul-de-sac!
The cu-de-sac come.
Ed:Yah .And we were gonna scare them.
Eddy:Uh oh.
Sarah:I'm tellin' mom.
Eddy:Oh $%#@ no.
The cul-de-sac beat up the Eds.
Edd:*stands for 2 minuets*Well,back to bed.