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Winnie the Ed

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    Winnie the Ed

By Blake
A parody of A.A. Minle's Winnie the Pooh
Ed-Ed the Pooh(Winnie the Pooh)          Edd-Rabb-Edd(Rabbit)    Eddy-Tig-Ed(Tigger)
Rolf-Rolfore(Eeyore)     Sarah-Sara(Kanga)   Nazz- Noo(Roo) Jimmy-Jim-let(Piglet)
Jonny-Christopher Jonny(Christopher Robin) Plank-Plankwl(Owl)
Theme Song By Tyler Ferronetti Based on the Winnie the Pooh Theme Song by Robert B. Sherman and Richard M. Sherman:
Deep in the Peach Creek CUL-de-sac where Christopher Jonny Plays,you'll find the enchanted Cul-De-Sac of Christopher Jonny's friends.A donkey named Rolfore is his friend.And Sara and little Noo.There's Rabb-Edd ,and Jim-let,and there's Plankwl,but most of all Ed the Pooh.Ed the Pooh.Ed the Pooh.Chubby little cuddly oaf stuffed with feathers.He's Ed the Pooh.Ed the Pooh.Willie nillie silly old Bear.
d the Pooh and some Chickens
Narrator:Ed the Pooh was a bear with very small brains.When he was excercizing,and  he found out his Eggs were gone.(In Winnie the Pooh it's Honey)
Ed:OH NO!My brain came out!
Narrator:No,Ed.You're out of Eggs.
Ed:I better go see Christopher Jonny.
To be continued.....................................................