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An Ed's Next Move

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    An Ed's Next Move

(Also known as The PhatEd of the Opera Part  2)
By Blake
Summary:We all remember Eddy became The Phantom of Peach Creek.Let's see what else happens in this exciting adventure.
1 week later............................................................
One morning,Kevin found a sign on his room  that said:
You're gonna get it someday............
Kevin:Oh crap!The Phantom!
Kevin:And that's what I found.
Edd:Wow!Another victim of The Phantom of Peach Creek.
Ed:Ha ha ha ha..what's so funny?
Nazz:Have you seen Eddy?
Edd:A note said he went on an extended vacation.
In his sewer lair.....................................................
Eddy:I got to get Kevin in ourder to get Nazz's attention.
The next night..................................................................
Eddy:My trap is sure to work.It looks like grass,but it's a lion trap.Kevin will fall into it.
Ed walks over to the trap.
Eddy:What's lumpy doin' up?Ha ha ha ha ha!!!He has chicken pajamas.
Ed:Falls in the trap.
Eddy:Time for plan B.*walks away*
Ed:Muckey Boys.O muckey Boys.
In the sewer lair...................................
Eddy:I'll put Kevin's bike in the basket.Then,he'll go after it.And fall into the trap.SUCKER!!!!!!!!!WA HA HA HA!!!!!!
WA HA HA HAA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!
The next day...........................
Eddy sets up his plan.
Eddy:I bet Kevin will fall for it.What an idiot.
Edd sees  the bike.
Eddy:What's Sockhead doin'?
Edd:That must be dirty.
Edd falls into the trap.
Eddy:Plan C?
The next day..............................
Edd:Come and get one of Ed's Homemade Watches.
Jonny:Here,Double Dee.
Ed:I got a jar on my butt-ex.
Edd:Uhhh....no you don't,Ed.
In the sewer lair............................................
Eddy:The plans never work.So,all I gotta do is KILL HIM!
That night...........................
Eddy gets a knife.
At Kevin's house...........................
Eddy goes and kills Kevin.
The next day........................................
Eddy:Since I heard Kevin was killed ,I had to come  home.
Edd:Cool.But,how'd ya get home so fast?
Eddy:Ummm...you know the Rocket Car?
Edd:I didn't know it work.
Eddy:Me too.
Eddy goes over to a sad Nazz.
Nazz:I can't beleive he's gone.Well,at leat you'll make me feel better.*hugs Eddy*
When Nazz hugs Eddy,his face turns from happy,to sad.
At his sewer..............................................................
Eddy:I just wanted her to give me some attention,*sniffs*but I broke her heart,which she didn't know.I guess I gotta kill myself.*sticks a knife through his chest*
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*wakes up screaming*HHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edd:Eddy,Ed has been poking you  for an hour.
Eddy:It was all a dream!Wahhooo!!!!!!Why would I dream that?I can't wait to see the Kids*Edd & Ed stares at Eddy*er....I mean pigons.
The Eds walk with Eddy.
Edd:Oh,Eddy,Ed and I got tickets at New York for the musical The Phantom  of the Opera.Wanna come.
Eddy:*dives in his bed*N
Edd:What's with Eddy?