Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Ed and the Power of JuJubs

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Ed and The Power of Jujubs

By Tyler Ferronetti
Part 1
The Eds were walking along one day.
They see Rolf pining up signs.
Edd-Good day,Rolf.
Rolf-Good day idiotic,Ed boys.
Rolf walks away.
Eddy-What's the sign say?
Edd-It says,*reading*Rolf needs a city folk to become Rolf's shaman apprentice.Eddy,it seems that Rolf needs a vollenteer to become a shaman.
Ed-What is a showerman,Double Dee?
Edd-It's shaman,Ed.I can't really explian it.It's a person who uses magic to battle or use to overcome obstacals.
Ed-How are we going to do that,Eddy?
Edd-I'm Double Dee,Ed.
Ed-Oh yeah.
Eddy-I bet Rolf gives a reward after!
Eddy pulls Edd & Ed to Rolf.
Eddy-Rolf!We have a apprentice for you.
There's a long moment of sillence.
Eddy-Ed's gonna be you shaman apprentice!
Rolf-Rolf is beside himself!
Rolf-Ed boys will get $20.00 in reward,if  dumb Ed boys passes.
For a whole week,Rolf had taugh Ed magic and important lessons.
1 week later.................................................
Rolf takes Ed into the forest.
Rolf-Ed boy,in order to pass(and get $20.00), you have to preform a task.You must preform the"Forest Adventure for the magical Jujubs"test.Smart-brained Ed boy has made amazing obstacals.Good luck.
Ed walks deep,deep into the forest.Soon,He finds.....A HERD OF RHRINO??!!!??
Ed-*running*AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!I have to pick up jujubs for help.AHHHHH!!!!ED MUST RUN!!AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Part 2
Ed throws water on the rhinos.
They get eletricuted.
Rolf,Eddy and Edd were watching Ed on a security camera.
Rolf-Oafish Ed Boy has defeated the rhino robots!!!!
Eddy-How's is he gonna get to the end WHEN HE'S SO DUMB!!!!!
Edd-I'll sent a robot chicken "juju" to guide him.
Rolf-good work,for one with such soft hands.
Ed looks at a bright object.
Robotic Chicken "juju"-*with the voice of Floriafrom,Tak and the Power of Juju*
Hey there,Ed.
Ed-*stunned*IT KNOWS MY NAME!!!!!!!
Robotic Chicken "juju"-Double Dee juju sent me  to help you.
Ed-What is Double Dee juju?
Robotic Chicken "juju"-Let's just go!
It guides Ed to a river.
Robotic chicken "juju"-Sprinkle magic dust on you to fly over Peach Creek.
Ed sprinkles magic dust on himself.
Ed sneezes and flies over the creek.The Robtic Chicken "juju" tries to jump over the creek,but it lands in the water and explodes.
Ed runs through the cavern(seen in the episode where the Eds are "mukey Boys").
Ed sees something bright.
Ed-I'VE FOUND THE SACRED JUJUBS(!!!!)with lots of nuts.
Ed jumps on a bike found and drove to the constuction site.He goes back to Rolf's farm.
Rolf-Well done,Ed Boy!!!*hands Ed $20.00*
Edd-Well done Ed.
Rolf eats the jujubs.Kevin appears.
Kevin-Gimmie back my bike!!!!!!
Kevin chases Rolf all the way to the candy store.
Ed drops the $20.00 bill.
Jonny-LOOK,PLANK!A $20 dollar bill!!!!
Eddy-NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!*bruries his crying face in his hands*
Edd-Well,this is unpleasent.
              I LOVE THE SPIECES
                              THAT THROWS THEIR
                             OWN FECES!!!!!!!!!
Edd-Don't talk with your mouth full,Ed.
                            The End