Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
HorrEd Story

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HorrEd Story

(the Kankers have forced the Eds to go on dates with them)
Lee:So Eddy,what do you want to fo today?

Eddy:I don't want to do anything!

Lee:Let's go get lunch!
                           (walk over to restaurant)
                           (no one comes)

Eddy:I can't believeI'm here right now...

Lee:I want some food!

Eddy:Then sit down already!

Lee:Hey!Are you yellin' at me?

Eddy:(backing up)No!

Lee:Good.Now SIT DOWN!!!
                       (meanwhile,Marie is with Double D)
Marie:So boyfriend,what do you want to do?

Double D:Go home.

Marie:Ok!Let's go to your house!

Double D:No!That's not what I meant!
                           (Marie drags Double D to his house)
Marie:(picks up lamp)What's this?(drops it)Oops.

Double D:My lamp!

Marie:Hey,a plant!

Double D:No!Don't touch that!


Double D:(throws himself in front of ants)Have some decency!This is MY
property,and right now you are invading MY personal space!Please refrain from
touching my things!

Marie:(pauses)You're so cute when you're angry!
                   (Double D groans)
               (meanwhile,Ed and May are together)
Ed:You are like an annoying evil space monkey!

May:You are such a sweetie!

Ed:I am?

May:Yes!Now come on!We're going swimming!

Ed:But evil space monkeys can't swim!

May:That reminds me,we need a picture first!
                               (grabs a camera)
May:Say cheese!

Ed:Cheese grows on trees!Eddy told me that.
                           (camera flashes)
Ed:(sways)Woah.I see little spots!

May:Come on,boyfriend!
                               (May leaves)
               (sways again.tries to walk and hits a tree.falls)
Ed:Ow!Hey,now I see stars too!