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PaintED: Prologue

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PaintED: Prologue

By Anonymous

    Hi, I'm the writer of a fanfic called PaintED. If you've read it, I hope you enjoyed it. Anyway, there may be a few gray areas as far as the beginning of the story goes, so here's what happened. This is the prologue to PaintED.

It all started at Cow and Chickens house. The red guy was getting tired of messing with the same barnyard animals.

Red Guy: I'm getting tired of messing with the same barnyard animals (You see?). I gotta broaden my horizons to new cartoons.

Just then, Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy came on.

Red Guy: Hmmm, These kids have possibility.

As the ending credits rolled, he noticed the AKA cartoons logo and made a beeline for the studio.

Red Guy: All right, I've gotta make an impression on those "Ed's." Now, how to get in. That guard'll never let me get past.

He tried a series of disguises, including Matt Hill, an artist, and even Danny Antonucci, all of which failed. Then the guard saw him standing outside the gate.

Guard: Hey, the red guy from Cow and Chicken, I love that show. Go on in other cartoons are always welcome.

Both happy and frustrated, the red guy entered. The first people he saw were Ed, Edd, and Eddy themselves.

Eddy: What are you supposed to be?

Red Guy: I'm uhhhh... Lance Sackless, a new artist (hint hint) for your cartoon.

Edd: nice to meet you Mr. Sackless. I'm sure you'll like your new job here.

Ed: Buttered toast and gravy!

Eddy: Shut up, Lumpy. Well, quittin' time for us. See ya later Lance.

Red Guy: I'm sure you will.

Next we see Ed, Edd and Eddy at Edd's house reading fanfics. They came across my fanfic "PaintED" and read about how the red guy was going to try to ruin the cul-de-sac with of all things, a paintbrush. How did I know all this? 'Cause... I'm the author, I can do what I please.

Eddy: Why that low down double-crosser. I oughtta...

Edd: Well I guess we should go get ready for when he comes. I've been working on a paintbrush similar to the one he's gonna use.

Ed: I like paint, it is so tasty.

Just as the Eds headed for the lane, the red guy infiltrated the artist studio and stole a paintbrush. If you haven't read PaintED yet, you'll have to, to know what'll happen next, 'cause I'm not telling you here.