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Ren-Ed 911

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Ren-Ed 911!

Based off Comedy Central's "Reno 911!"
By Daria
Art by AnimatEd
Permission to use Sunshine as a character granted by AnimatEd
Eddy Dangle- A homosexual cop who wears tight biker shorts and flirts with the guys he pulls over for speeding
Sarah Williams- A cop who works for the force just to slap around men.
Nazz Johnson- Former Topless showgirl.  still wears police shirt half unbuttoned.
Ed Wiegel- Mentally challenged cop.
Kevin Garcia- Hates everyone equally
Edd Junior- Police Dog trainer
Jonny Jones- Having a secret affair with Williams and not-so-secret affair with Johnson.
*In dog training room*
Edd:*trying to give commands to Sunshine, holding up arm cast*Bite!  Come on, you, bite!
Sunshine:You expect me to bite that dirty thing?
Edd: Please bite?
Sunshine: Well, at least you're polite.  But still, I'm not biting it!
*Ed walks in and picks up Sunshine*
Ed: aww, cute little doggy!
*Sunshine bites his arm*
Ed: AAH!
*meanwhile, camera cuts to inside patrol car*
Jonny: What is the mission, Garcia?
Kevin: Someone called to report a disturbing the peace incident.
*they stop in front of a shopping center and see a mime dancing*
Kevin: You're under arrest for disturbing the peace.
*mime pretends to be pushing a wall8
Jonny: Hey, that's funny!
Kevin: ignore that, kid.  Speak english, mime!
*kevin starts beating the mime with his blackjack.  the mime screeches*
Kevin: Oh, you're speakin English now!