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Super Mari-Ed-o Sunshine

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Super Mari-Ed-o Sunshine

By Anonymous

    Ed had just got a new Gamecube and him, Eddy, and Edd were all coming to Ed's house to play it. When they arrived, Ed finished hooking it up, he read a passage from the instructions aloud. 

We mean it, don't you dare push that button, the red one. Ed: *reading* Warning: do not press the red button. You are never ever to push the red button .*Speaking normally* Let's push the red button guys.

Ed pushes the button while Super Mario Sunshine was in and they were immediatley sucked into the game. When they woke up, Edd was now wearing Mario's overalls, Ed was now FLUDD~ Flash Liquidizer Ultra Dousing Device~ and Eddy was missing.

Edd: What's this? Ed where are you?

Ed: I'm here, bric a brac on top of your back Double D.

Edd: Where's Eddy? I'm sure he got sent here with us.

Suddenly a toad asked Double D to clean up a mess.  Being the neat freak that Edd is, he had no problem using Ed to clean up the mess. Then, a huge pihrana plant came out, but Edd accidentally squirted it and it dissapeared.

Edd: Oh, these plants die with water, sort of ironic.

They are suddenly arrested by creatures called Piantas and ordered to clean the entire island. The next day, They are taken into Delfino Plaza and had to clean up another mass of gunk.

Edd: Who'd be doing such a thing, it's almost like they think I did it.

After the mass of gunk is cleaned up, a statue appeared with a large 'M' on it. It pulled Double D and Ed in. They are suddenly in the Bianco Hills.

Pianta: See that creature on top of the windmill, I want you to kill it.

Edd: You want  me to kill it. Oh know, I can't.

Ed: Oh c'mon Double D, it'll be fun.

Ed automatically switches to his hover nozzle and carries Edd to the windmill.  It was Petey Pirahna. The roof of the windmill collapsed and they fell into the interior. They were surrounded by goop, out of which little creatures were coming out. When Petey Opened his mouth, Edd squirted some water in, When Petey fell over, Edd jumped on him, fell, and squished him. He did this a few more times and Petey retreated. A Shine Sprite appeared, Edd touched it, and he was taken out of the hills.

Edd: That was easy enough, but one thing still puzzles me. Where's Eddy?

Ed: Only the Claw knows.

-----to be continued------

Super Mar-Ed-O 2
By Anonymous

    When Ed and Edd got back, They went to the docks where another portal was. The portal sent them to Ricco Harbor where they would have to when a surfing competition. They went into the sewer where they hopped a gooper blooper (squid) and started surfing.

Edd: But I can't surf, especially not a squid.

They surfed through blocks, rotating wooden planks, and traffic cones. At one point they nearly hit the wall, but they made it through, got the shine sprite, and got sent back. Ed hovered a reluctant Edd all the way to the beach. They found another portal that took them to Gelato Beach.

Edd: Look on the tower, that must be the problem.

On top of the tower was a large caterpillar, and on the solar panels were creature called catequacks. Ed tried to hovered as usual, but a blue duck-like creature flipped them. They snuck quietly over so as not to wake another one up, then they got on a solar panel. Ed squirted it until it was nearly about to fall. Then Edd ground pouned and sent the thing flying. They hovered to the other panels and got rid of the other catequacks. Then, low and behold, the caterpillar on the tower lost its footing and fell.

They got the shine sprite and went into the town square. At the docks, a bad guy who looked just like Edd got in a sub and zoomed to Pinna island. Edd got in a cannon and flew all the way there too.

Ed: What is wrong here?

Edd: There it is.

In the theme park was a giant Bowser robot that was blowing fire everywhere. Then, a little creature called a noki put them in a roller coaster. Water rockets were along the track and Ed quickly grabbed one and shot it at the robot. The robot retaliated by firing a bullet. Ed squirted it and it detinated at a safe distance.

Ed: Let's geet'em  

A few more hits and Mecha Bowser fell. Shadow Ed came out and turned into Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr. : How dare you! I'm gonna keep making grafiti.

The head of Mecha Bowser headed straight for Corona Mountain. Everything was starting to come together ,but one question still remained. Where was Eddy?

-----to be continued----

Super Mar-Ed-o Sunshine 3
By Anonymous

    When the two Ed's returned, a Yoshi was waiting for them. It grabbed them and took them to the rooftops. Their he ate the pineapple that was blocking the warp tunnel. They jumped in. Yoshi was now gone but they were in Sirena Beach. Suddenly, A shadow shaped like a manta ray appeared from the sea and spread electrical goop on everything.

Edd: Water is bad for electricity. We can spray it and it'll go away.

Ed: barnacle!

They went under a hut and sprayed the beast. It split in two.

Ed: Wow, it mutated!

Edd kept spraying them until they were dividing into nothing. They turned purple and started to come after Edd. This didn't stop him. Ed kept spraying, they disappeared, and a shine sprite appeared. When they returned, the sun symbol in the center of the town was glowing. They looked up to see what was going on and suddenly, they were in Noki Bay. They scaled the walls and went down the waterfall. At the bottom of the sea, there was a giant eel with some bad oral problems.

Edd: Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at those cavities. We'll have to clean those teeth.

They hovered over each tooth cleaning it, but Eely Mouth sent toxins toward them. Finally, Each tooth was cleaned and Eely-Mouth went home. A shine sprite appeared, but Edd's oxygen was running low. Edd made a mad swim for the shine sprite. With only a sliver of oxygen, Edd and Ed got the shine and went back to the town.

Ed used the hover nozzle to get to the Pianta Village. Once their, they saw Shadow Edd. He was running amuck in the mountain village.

Ed: Maybe we can squirt him

Shadow Edd: Uh-oh, time to run!

They made chase, Ed squirted him, but he was leaving lava gunk all around the trail. Edd burned himself one, but he still had seven hitpoints left. After about ten squirts, Shadow Edd fell.

Shadow Edd: Yuck, I won't forget this.

He poofed away and dropped a shine sprite. They returned only to find that the plaza had been flooded.

Edd: Ah everything is flooded.

Ed: Like me?

Edd Hey there's Shadow Edd chase him.

----to be continued----

Super Mar-Ed-o Sunshine: Conclusion
By Anonymous

    The two made chase after Shadow Edd. He opened the gate to Corona Mountain and they entered.

Edd: This must be where Eddy is.

After they entered, they got across the fire lake in a boat, and then Ed picked up the rocket nozzle. They rocketed up the clouds and were sent to the billowy black clouds over corona mountains. Edd landed on the rim of a giant bathtub with Bowser Jr. in it. Eddy was their too sitting on a large rubber duck. Something very odd was about him though. He was wearing a crown and what's this? Eddy was wearing a pink dress. Could it be, yes, Eddy was the princess.

Eddy: Guys, help me!!!

Edd: *holding back laughter* Eddy, What happened.

Eddy: just get me outta here!!!

Bowser Jr.: Your not getting her er um... him back.

Edd and Ed's laughter was quickly silenced by the appearance of Bowser, the Koopa King.

Bowser: How dare you interrupt my family reunion. Take this you...

His gloating was silenced when Ed and Edd soared with the rocket nozzle and super ground pounded an edge of the tub making it rock.

Bowser: Woah woah woah, get him son!

Bowser Jr.: Okay Papa.

Bowser Jr. fired a salvo of bullets at Edd who quickly dodged them he ran to another edge on the tub. WHAM!!! he pounded the side and it fell.

Bowser: Okay Son, I'll get him.

Bowser started blowing fire all around the rim of the tub. It burned Edd but he was still in the game. BOOM! one more edge gone. Desperate to get rid of Edd, he splashed green slime from the tub toward them. Edd kept dodging and was running low in hitpoints. POW!!! another edge fallen. And then their was one. both started to attack. Every attack the two koopas knew was used. Edd had only two hitpoints left. he was making a mad dash for the final edge. A bullet hit him and exploded, only one hitpoint left, he was at the edge.

Ed: You can do it Double D!!!


Bowser sent some green slime. Ed used his last bit of water to rocket jump. Edd ground pounded. The final edge fell along with the entire bathtub fell into the sea. Bowser plummeted into the sea onto an upturned boat.




Suddenly, they all dematerialized. There was a big flash of light and the Eds were knocked out again. When they woke up, they were back at Ed's house.

Edd: Huh? Whoo hoo we're back!

Eddy: I'm not wearing a dress anymore.

Ed: wanta play something else

Eddy & Edd: NO!!!

The End