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By Anonymous

Narrator?: Hellooooo, this is a story about three boys withthe same name, ED, EDD, 'n' Eddy. One day the Eds were...

Eddy: Hey, your not the narrator, you're that guy who...

Narrator?: Eddy got a banana stuck in his mouth. (Which happens)

Edd: We like the other narrator better.

Narrator?: Suddenly, Kevin rode up. He stepped off his bike and when he got off, a yellow submarine ran over it.

Ed: (singing) We all live in a yellow submarine.

Kevin: MY BIKE!!! Why'd ya do that to my bike ya jerk?

Narrator?: Suddenly, a wormhole opened and sent Kevin to Mars.

Kevin (on Mars): Cool, I'm the first guy on Mars? It's a good thing cartoons cam breath in outer space.

Eddy: (whispering) What are we going to do about this guy?

Edd: I don't know. This poses quite a problem.

Ed: A yellow submarine, a yellow submarine.

Edd: I suppose we'll just have to cope until the real narrator shows up.

Narrator?: Sarah walked up and beat Ed up for breaking her doll

Sarah: Ooooooh, Ed, you're gonna get it!

Narrator?: Suddenly, Sarah forgot how to speak English and started speaking Spanish.

Sarah: !Donde Esta y el es pornada Ed! ?Que? !Mi es coblamos Espanol?

Eddy: Hey, this guy may not be so bad.

Ed: I cannot understand Dutch, Eddy.


Eddy: See? He's already starting to run out of ideas.

Narrator?: Did I mention it was raining CANNONBALLS?!?!

(cannonballs knock out Edd and Eddy)

Ed: Ha ha, that tickles.

Narrator?: Then a pteradactyl flew by and carried them to the woods.


Narrator?: But then the dam broke and washed them back to the cul-de-sac.

Edd: Oh no, I'm wet.l

Narrator?: AND THEN.

Then I, the real narrator, came to the computer desk.

Real Narrator: Hey, what are you doing here?

The fake narrator turns out to be (bum bum bummmmm) the red guy.

Red Guy: Well I was... Well I, er...um. Okay, I may have accidentally bound you, gagged you, and locked you in the bathroom, IS THAT A CRIME?!

Real Narrator: Adios fake

Then I threw the red guy out of the fanfic.

Real Narrator: Okay, let me fix this mess. The yellow submarine sailed away and Kevin's bike was fixed. Kevin got sent back to Earth.

Kevin (on Earth): Darn!

Real Narrator: The pteradactyl flew home. It stopped raining cannonballs and the Edss' injuries were healed. Sarah learned how to speak English again.

Sarah: Hey, I can speak English again! Gracias, I mean Thanks.

Real Narrator: The dam was fixed and all the water flowed aut of the cul-de-sac. Oh, and the red guy got mailed to Gilligan's Island.

Gilligan: Skipper, Professor!!!

Eddy: Thanks Mr. Narrator Guy.

Real Narrator: Anytime, but I think I'll narrate the fanfics from now on.

Edd: That's a relief.

The End