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By Anonymous

Every Ed in the cul-de-sac loved Christmas a lot,

but the red guy who lived just north of the cul-de-sac did not

The red guy hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season.

Now please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason.

Knowing Christmas was near his sweat was perfuse.

Red Guy: Would you please quit rhyming like Dr. Seuss?!

The Eds read the book where everyone got Grinched.

They knew red could steal Christmas stuff in a flinch.

They would take back his loot, everything in his stash,

Then Maybe the kids would reward them with cash.

That night the red guy got onto his sled,

a fist full of bags and some rocks in his head.

As he came to the first little house on the square,

the Eds would catch him, they knew he'd be there.

Red went down the chimney, the Eds tasted a buck,

but there wishes were delayed when the red guy got stuck.

They pulled him out and tried citizen's arrest,

but they could't catch this thief, he was the best.

He ran to the tree, stole the decor,

Eddy: What does this guy keep rhyming for? I am trying to get me some loot, so stop the rhyming or I'll give you the boot..

Red slunk to the icebox as quick as a flash,

but the Eds were after him, they wanted cash.

When the Eds saw him, they grabbed him pell-mell,

but Red broke free, their attempts did fail.

He shoved all the bags up the chimney with glee.

"And now" said the red guy, "I'll stuff up the tree"

He picked up the tree and he started to shove,

but the Eds wouldn't let him get the tree up above.

They got very angry and jumped straight at Red,

but he just ducked it out, not a hurt on his head.

He shoved the tree up and then very nimbly,

tied up the Eds and shoved them one by one up the chimbly.

They untied themselves and made chase for the sled.

Edd: Where do you think he went off to Edd?

"There he is Eddy," He yelled like a spazz

He was in the house that belonged to Nazz.

They went into the basement where Red stood with a saw.

He would saw out the floor and Nazz's tree would fall.

He sawed the wrong spot, instead fell a couch.

All red could say after that was, "Ouch!"

There was nowhere to hide, nowhere to go.

Eddy: time to turn you in for some dough.

He pushed a button, the Eds  scratched their heads.

They didn't know that button summoned his sled.

The sled flew down, blinded them with its lights.

Red was now gone, he was nowhere in sight.

10,000 feet up, up the side of Mt. Crumpit,

he rode with his load to the tip-top to dump it.

Off of the edge, his sled he would steer,

but his sled the Eds did commandeer.

They took the controls and without mistake,

they made him into a big red pancake.

Reward them they would, reward them they might,

if they all hadn't been robbed that night.

Eddy just jumped with anger, way out of sight.

Ed: Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!