Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
The Chesnut Elves

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 The Chesnut Elves

A Christmas Tale
By Tyler Ferronetti
Author's note:I got this story idea from the episode,Rent-An-Ed.During the Eds lame circus scamola,Edd started doing excercises.Rolf said,"Why is Double Dee Ed Boy calling the Chesnut Elves?"
Then I got an idea.

Part 1
Everyone was over Rolf's house for a  -Weird yet delecous-Christmas dinner.
All-uhhhhhhhh..........Rolf's putting out a  -Weird yet delicious- Christmas dinner?
Rolf-Rolf must put out the desert last.*puts out a cake one mile high*The watsittuyaspitnyereyediaperChristmasnokkinbockerfruitcakeladyman fruitcake.
The kids stared at the cake (with wide eyes) like it had 3 heads.
Rolf-Let us eat!
Rolf scoops on lots of the food and eats face first.
The Kids stare at Rolf (with wide eyes)like he had 3 heads.
Everyone was too afraid' to eat the food.
Later,Rolf told stories about Christmas celebrated in his country.
Rolf-That's how I gave yams to evr'yone in my..........*looks at Edd,how is doing jumping jacks*What?*terrified face*DOUBLE DEE ED BOY IS CALLING THE CHESNUT ELVES!!!!!!
Edd-But,Rof,I am doing nothing but exercises.
Rolf panics and throws everyone out the door.
Rolf-*terrified*E! Rolf is now giving everyone octopus-flavored candy canes.
Everyone catches a candy cane.
*slams the door*
Everyone looks at the Octopus-flavored candy canes (with wide eyes) like it had 3 heads.Then,they nervously put the candy canes down their pants.
All-*except Rolf & the Eds*YeaAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Eddy-This stinks.
The Eds walked to Eddy's house.
Soon,when they went to Eddy's room,they saw tiny deranged elves destroying his stuff.
Eddy-My stuff!!!!
Chesnut Elf # 1-Now we can destroy everyone's stuff and clothes,destroy Christmas, and take over this here cul-de-sac!*Dr. Evil(from the Austin Powers movies)evil laugh music plays*
Chesnut elves-MYYUHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!*they run out the door*
Edd-We must save the cul-de-sac from the Elves,save Christmas,and restore roal order!!!
Eddy-If they destroy our clothes,I can look at Nazz decently.
Ed-*takes out a machene gun*Let's burry those Elves!*eats the machene gun*


Part 2
The Eds are running
Ed takes agun wich freeze dries an elf.
Eddy-Ed your a genius!
Eddy-*points*LOOK A SLEIGH!!!!!I'm sure Santa wont mind if I borrow it.
The Eds jump in the sleigh.
Eddy-Now,Dasher Dancer,Panty,Victor,Whatever.
The Reindeer stare angrilly at Eddy.
Eddy-Just move!
The Reindeer start flying.
A group of a dozen elves run by.
The reindeer fly down to the elves and eat them.
The elves scream.
Eddy-Of course!!!!
Ed-The Reindeer likie soy cubes!!!!
Eddy-No,Mr.Happy!They like to eat the elves!
The Reindeer go down to eat most of the elves.
The Eds scream as the sleigh crashes down.
The Elves  laugh evily and start burning down the fences.All the trailors in the trailor park burn down.
The elves scram as there burning.
Eddy-*evily*I'll cool ya off.
Elf # 1-Thanks.
Eddy freeze dries the other elves. The elves scream.
Later at midnight,all the characters(except the kankers,who are hiding in the woods.)
they're all gather round a camp fire,wearing tatered clothes with holes,singing.
Cumbya,my lord!Cumbyaaaaaaaa!!!!
                              Cumbya my lord cumbyaaaa my lord..........
Edd-I'm glad the chesnut elves came and brought us all together on this wonderfull Christmas Eve.We should all be thankful for..............
Eddy-Double Dee,put a sock in it. Litterally.
Jonny-SING IT!!!

Happy Holidays and hope your Christmas is       
        better than the cul-de-sacs'!
       The End