Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
A Chr-Edsmas Story

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 A Chr-Edsmas Story

By Tyler Ferronetti
Part 1
It was Christmas day.
Sarah & Ed-*leaping from their beds*IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!
They ran downstairs to find no presents under the tree!
Sarah-Where are the presents????!!!!???
Ed-I dunno,dulinquent little sister of mine.
They look up to find Santa Claus wedeged up in the chimney.
Ed-SANTA!!!!!!!!How did you get up in the chimney?
Santa-Ed,I went to every house in the world except yours.When I slid down your chimney,I got stuck.
Ed-*smileing and drooling*Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........
Sarah slaps Ed.
Ed-OW!I got an idea and slap burns!I'll call Eddy and Double Dee for help.
Ed dials a sponge and tries to call Eddy and Edd.
Sarah-That's a sponge.
Ed-I knew that.
Ed throws the sponge,making a loud crashing noise and a cat screaming.
Ed calls Eddy and Edd.
Part 2
The Eds came to help Sarah and Ed's burden.
The rest of the cul-de-sac came to watch the  Eds mess up.
Eddy-I have an Idea!
Eddy throws a large stick of butter up the chimney.
Edd-*sarcastically*Oh,sure.Like that's gonna help!
Ed-*throwing Edd up the the chimney*Fly,Double Dee!!!!FLY!!!!
Edd lands in the chimney with Santa.
Edd-*nervously*He He.Hello,Santa.
Santa-Hi,Eddward.You've been a good boy this year.
Edd-Thanks,Santa.So,I've noticed.
Ed-I think I just thunk.
Ed stands there and looks stupid for 1 minute.
Ed-OOH!My mind is working.
Ed throws gravy down the chimney.
Santa and Edd slip out of the chimney.
Edd cringes.
Edd-OOOOOOOOOOO.Messy,Messy,Messy.*Wipes butter and gravy off of himself*
Santa-*shaking hands with Ed*Thanks,Ed.I'll give you more presents next year.
Santa-You and Sarah have to go to bed first.
Ed and Sarah-Why?
Santa-So I can deliver your presents.
Sarah and Ed fell asleep for 2 hours and wake up to unwrap their presents.
The whole cul-de-sac has a big dinner with their parents.
Kevin-I wanted a BB gun for Christmas,but everyone I tell says"You'll shoot yer eye out,kid?".
Nazz-But you'll shoot yer eye out Kevin.Why do you want a BB gun?
The kids went outside to build a snowman.
They finished.
Edd-What will we call the snowman?
Jimmy-How about Snaza!?!
Ed-How about Gravy?!!!?
Eddy-NO WAY!!!!!!
Jonny-How about Oatmeal???!!!??
Edd-How about.......FROSTY???????!!!!!!!!!!!!??
They put the hat on.
The Snowman comes to life.
Frosty-HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
Everyone gasps.
Ed-It's my birthday?
Happy Hloidays!
                The End