Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Belly Laughs From Peach Creek

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  Belly Laughs From Peach Creek

By Blake
Introduction By the Eds
Edd:This fanfic is like a joke book.
Ed:And it's a big bag.
Edd:This fanfic has joke we collected from the cul-de-sac.
Eddy:This whole fanfic is full of jokes.You'll laugh your head off.
Edd:Enjoy them.
Ed:And Patato Chips.
*fades to black*
Eddy:Ed,shut up.
Part 1
     Joke 1                   Eddy:Why did you cross the road,Lumpy?
                            Ed:Um....... I forget.
                           Eddy:What a dumb joke.

Joke 2         Eddy:How can you tell between Sarah and an elephant?
                   Eddy:One is hairy,smells funny,is loud,and has a big nose.
                   The other is an elephant.
                    Edd:That's not nice.

Joke 3                      Jimmy:Mom, can I lick the bowl?
                      Mom:No,Sweetie.You flush it like everyone else.

Joke 4             Jimmy:This choclate ice cream tastes odd.
                      Jonny:Let's just say I made it myself.Ha ha.

Joke 5             Kevin:Did you know the Eds were in a movie?
                       Nazz:Which one?
                       Kevin:Dumb and Dumber.

Joke 6       Edd:I'm sorry.I hit your cat riding my bike.I'ld like to replace him.
                Neighbor:How good are you at chasing mice?
                Edd:*jaw drops*

Joke 7                    Edd:Ed is scary as a monster.
                  Eddy:I agree becaue you should see him go to the bathroom.

Next comes Part 2........................