Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us

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BY AnimatEd

" Ed!" Eddy yelled.

Sarah walked into a room and started doing ballet. Ed looked into the room and watched her practice. He copied the moves.

"ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eddy pounded on the door.

" GET THE DOOR ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sarah yelled. She did a spin. Her older brother spun and fell. THUD! KNOCK!

" Onomatopoeia!" Ed said.

" LET ME IN ED!" Eddy screamed. He broke down the door and saw Ed doing ballet. " Are you dancing?" Eddy asked, flustered. He fell on his back laughing. Ed laughed too, but realized he was falling behind in the dance steps so he kept dancing.

Double D ran over.

" Ballet, I presume," Double D said.

" Eds horrible," Eddy complained.

" Eddy, Im surprised at you! I know you detest ballet, but that is no reason to put Ed down! Ed is a mere fledgling."

" Mm hmm," Eddy pretended to understand.

" We must nurture his want to be in ballet."

" GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sarah yelled, no longer able to take the Eds ramblings.

Once outside Eddy had a great idea. He made Ed practice, well, Eddy didnt do much, but Double D constantly taught Ed. They were going to open Eds Ballet Theater. On the last day of practice Ed was better, but still clumsy. That night he watched his little sister, Sarah, and followed her every move.

He slipped in his routine paper over hers and he followed what she did. He practiced and practiced. Then Sarah noticed it wasnt hers and Ed ran away.

It was opening night and the Eds were making a killing.

" I can already see that sea of delicious, mouth-watering, sugar-coated jawbreakers!" Eddy said.

" Look at that crowd. Screaming and roaring like sick animals," Ed said.

" Hey, Ed, can I have one your cookies?" Double D asked. Ed turned around and hissed at him with foam pouring from his mouth. " Heh heh heh he hmm."

Ed got on stage, shaking like a leaf, dripping with sweat. The crowd of all of the nine kids cheered. The lights dimmed and the intro to the song played. Then came Eds cue to start dancing. Double D was nervous, but Ed gave the best performance ever before seen. Then came the big finale and Ed spun at a rapidly increasing speed.

" Eds reached a notable momentum, hes breaking world records!" Double D said. He kept a vigilant watch on every one of Eds moves, and Ed didnt make a flaw.

" Ed, youre the most proficient ballet dancer ever!" Double D said.

" You know what they say, if you cant squeeze the lemon dont paint the cornstalk," Ed said.

" Ed, nobody has ever said that," Double D said.