Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Prophetic Ed

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Prophetic Ed
(where the Eds come across a strange, ghostly form that seems
to have a piece of important knowledge of some sort, but the Eds are so
distracted with other things and how interesting this ghost is that they
don't listen to the fact that something is out there).

"Argh!" yelled an annoyed and upset Eddy, pacing back and forth in front of
his friends. There they were, in the middle of the junkyard. Ed and Edd
stood there, watching Eddy continuously pace back and forth in front of
them. Eddy had been frustrated over his final scam that had just failed, and
as he paced, he tried to think of thoughts for a fail-proof scam. His scam
involved a museum full of fascinating things. A gold-painted jawbreaker that
was really a ball coated in cheap, fake gold paint. There were gravy
sculptures made by Ed (passed around), inventions made by Double D (which
were also demonstrated). But Ed's intrusion, the tampering with Edd's
inventions, etc caused a whole lot of chaos, eventually resulting in the
museum collapsing and all of the kids leaving in disgust, getting their
   Finally Eddy stopped and stared at his friends. It looked as if they
were tracking his every move. "It's all YOUR guys' fault!" yelled Eddy,
still stricken from the terribly failed scam. Eddy looked straight at Ed.
"Why do you always have to scare the kids away, LUMPY?! And running around,
messing up all of the museum's equipment. You helped mess the whole thing!"
"Can I have buttered toast?"
"Awww" whined Ed, looking at the ground in disappointment.
Then Eddy cast an evil eye on Edd.
"And you, sockhead, your inventions were terrible! And you kept leading
people into the wrong directions during the tour, and you never kept an eye
on them! Sheesh!"
"But Eddy," Edd was about to inform, "It wasn't our fault that the building
"What are you talking about, Double Mint?" Eddy snorted. "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO
"But I-" Edd said shakily, but Eddy just gave an ignorant gesture and
strolled off. Edd was losing his patience. He and Ed followed up behind
Eddy. "Eddy," Edd said, losing his temper, "The scams you always get us into
contain too much risk! I got worried when the kids looked suspiciously at
the fake golden jawbreaker. And think of all the other scams we had." Eddy,
however, turned to face him and snarled "Well, the scams go GREAT, at least
I don't mess them up all the time, with inventions that fail, everything."
"Wait," Edd said, "my inventions break down or don't work because people
tamper with th-."
"YOU'RE A FAILURE!" Eddy yelled at Edd. With his feelings hurt, and nothing
more to say, knowing he had lost, Edd, discouraged, stared at the ground
sadly, too ashamed to look up.
"That's right!" Eddy yelled at the two. "YOU'RE FAILURES!" Ed sat on the
pavement and groaned "Awww, no gravy" with a very disappointed look on his
face. But after recovering from his anger, Eddy apologized and cheered his
two friends, and decided that they go over to Eddy's house.
   In Eddy's room, the Eds are having a conversation. "I'm tellin' ya,"
says Eddy, "I used to own a dog, and they are GREAT pets! Until I sold him
for jawbreaker money." Shocked, Edd and Ed looked at Eddy like he was
insane. "What?" Eddy asked. Returning to the conversation, Edd said "I don't
know, Eddy. As adorable as they are, dogs can attract fleas, and sometimes
you don't know where their fur has been. Very unsanitary!" "My friend's
puppy once licked me until I was wet all over!" Ed remarked, giving one of
his silly laughs. Edd withered, and said "Oh dear, that's VERY unsanitary!"
Eddy said, "Aw, c'mon, it's only a-"
The Eds were startled as Eddy's glass window shattered, and Rolf went
through it, panicking and running away in Eddy's home, screaming "Save
yourselves, Ed-boys! A specter has come to the cul-de-sac! Rolf must gather
his animals and find an escape! The specter will burn those in the
cul-de-sac!!! Have mercy on the son of a shepherd!" "What was that all
about?" Eddy asked, confused. "Well, although Rolf's culture and personality
and superstition may never be understandable, I really think he saw
something." Ed said "Oh no! This reminds me of the time in Attack of the
Evil Shadow Townspeople, when everyone ran away from the strange, ghostly
mutants who planned to capture them and make them read evil ghostly
textbooks forever in the afterlife!" There was a pause for a moment, and
then Edd began giggling. Eddy started laughing. Ed stared at his friends for
a moment, and then started laughing with them, even though he didn't know
why. However, they were so distracted by that, that they had forgotten the
issue. That is, until, all of the other kids (with the exception of the
kankers, wherever THEY were) bust through the broken window and ran for
cover in Eddy's room. Eddy grew infuriated, but everyone said the same thing
that Rolf did, with the exception of sounding like... Rolf. With every
single one of the kids including Rolf scattered throughout Eddy's home,
picking hideouts, Eddy yelled "RRRRGH! What is the problem?!?!", and that
was when the kids all said at once "There's a ghost out there!" Eddy
laughed, and then gestured his friends to come with him outside. It was
pretty dark outside, which made it spookier. They finally proceeded out of
the door. Ed recited flashbacks from the movie, and Edd said "Eddy, I'm not
sure if this is a great idea. Even if the rumors AREN'T true, which is
positively correct, I...I..." Edd stuttered. "Look," Eddy said, "we'll just
look around the corners of this place, and if there's no 'ghost', then we'll
go!" They walked around the cul-de-sac, searching everywhere for what the
kids rumored to be a 'ghost'. Ed dug through the trash, Edd examined things
(as to find out if there is any possible trail that the 'ghost' had left)
and Eddy just simply looked around. Edd was busy examining something
peculiar looking when a very shocking view caught his eye, just above the
object he had been examining. Frightened, he looked up, and gasped. There it
   Eddy heard Edd gasping, and went over to where he was, "Didja find him,
Double D? Huh? Did you find him?" when he came across Edd, who had just
fainted. After seeing Edd laying there, fainted, Eddy looked up, and saw it,
a human-looking form, but red, and red SMOKE. There it was. The rumor, the
'ghost', whatever it was, and it didn't take him much longer than a second
or two to realize that this was it. And there were some answers to get. The
ghost simply stayed, floating where it was, with its eyes meeting Eddy's. It
was like a face-off. The ghost seemed to be about to communicate, but then:
"ED!" Eddy yelped in excitement, "I found it!", but that was when the ghost
dissolved in a puff of red smoke. When Ed came, he looked around. "You found
a tomato-soup can too?" "NO! NO! The ghost! He was right here, I tell ya!"
After seeing that Ed didn't see anything, Eddy grunted in frustration,
banging his fists on the wall.
   Eddy and Ed dragged Edd into Eddy's house. After telling the kids that
the ghost had left and that they were safe, the kids evacuated as ordered.
Eddy took a bucket and filled it with water. He then went to where Edd was
laid out, and then revived him by pouring the water over him. As Edd finally
gathered his senses, soaking wet, Ed said "I like a drink of water in the
morning! And some buttered toast and gravy!" "Oh dear," Edd said, "Th-th..."
Eddy knew what he was trying to say and said "Relax, Double D. That ghost is
history. Heh heh, get it, HISTORY?!" Edd was unmoved by the joke. But he
said in excitement "D-did I REALLY spot an ectoplasm?" Ed said "Ectoplasmic
species are often the results of investigation from paranormal
investigators." Edd and Eddy stared at Ed for a while, surprised at what
they had just heard. But of course, it was just another rare occasion, as Ed
went back to his usual self, blurting his traditional phrases. They
continued with their conversation in Eddy's room, when in the distance, they
could've sworn they heard a strange, humming, noise.

To Be Continued...