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 Episode Review by Blake Ferronetti
                       Boo Haw Haw is more of trick than treat!

Episode: Ed Edd n Eddy's Boo Haw Haw
Rating: 1 1/2 out of 5 stars (* 1/2)
          I waited a year and a half for this special. It wasn't worth it!!! I have enjoyed previous specials such as Jingle Jingle Jangle and Hanky Panky Hullabaloo. My favorite was Jingle Jingle Jangle. The first 2 specials were awesome, but this one was awful.
          The art was the only thing good about this. The story is that the Eds trick or treat. But Ed mistakes the cul-de-sac kids for monsters after a movie marathon. Eddy and Edd travel with him to "Spookyville" . First of all, how can Ed watch all those movies? Didn't he go to school like all the others? Plus, a marathon can't get Ed confuse the kids for monsters,can it? It would just get me aggravated. Edd's costume was totally him, Ed's was......unusual. But I thought Eddy's was ugly.
        Another thing is this doesn't have as much holiday spirit as Jingle Jingle Jangle or Hanky Panky Hullabaloo. Sure the monsters are cool, but yet there's only one scene of trick of treating! Most people only think of Halloween as just Trick or Treating. Some points are predictable. I always knew the Spookyville map would lead them back to the cul-de-sac! The ending makes no sense!!!! When Edd and Eddy are being chased the kids, wouldn't Ed see monsters chasing his pals. Oh, I forgot about the Frankenplank thing! I think it would have been better if the name was Plankenstien.
            Overall, I really hate this episode. Many fans love it, but I don't get it. What do they see in this episode? No offense. If you want to watch any of the 3 Ed holiday specials, watch all but this one.