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A Page All about Jonny!
Voice by "Buck"


Jonny... the lovable guy with the peice of wood...
Sure he's cute but sometimes just plain annoying!
Jonny and Plank
So... we all know that Jonny hangs around with wood... but why?! Does no one want to be his friend? Or is nobody his friend because he hangs around with wood?  I guess only Jonny knows! 
Jonny's Hobbies   
Jonny doesn't seem to have to many hobbies... except climbing trees and getting stuck in them... But he seems like one of his hobbies is diving or something!  Well in "Hot Buttered Ed" (Where Kevin takes the Eds spot at the creek) When he's on the rock and Edd blows the whistle and Jonny imeditatly sits up, runs to the edge of the rock, and dives off it doing tricks.  When he comes back up from the water he says "Did I make the team Plank?".  And in "Rent-A-Ed" (the one where they try to fix everything) Ed jumps off the diving board and while hes falling down Jonny says "Nice form, huh Plank?"

Jonny Quotes

Listen to the clams gurgle in the bucket Plank

Now just let me go to the bathroom!

He'll be back in about a freckle past a hair

I cant take my eyes off Jimmy either Plank

Hello Bob

Plank and I are gonna rough it in the woods!


Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz off Jonny!

Whoo Hoo!!! What a potty mouth!

You look like a light house Eddy!

Plank says you should join the circus!

Hey Eddy!  Plank says you owe him a buck for the ride!