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A Page All About Nazz!

Voice by Tabitha St. Germain/Erin Fitzgerald


Nazz is the popular girl in the cul-de-sac that almost every guy likes. Except for Rolf and Jimmy. Sometimes she just gets that charm and the boys go wild over her? But why? I don't even think that the boys know. I guess she has that thing that boys love!

Nazz and Kevin

Well we all noticed that Kevin seems to like Nazz. But does Nazz like Kevin? Well she always hangs around with him, he seems like her only friend, but shes not as flirtatious as Kevin is. And will there ever be anything between them? The world may never know.

Dumb BlondeNazz the BlondDumb Blonde

Well we all know Nazz is a blond by her looks, and the way she acts! Sometimes she seems so clueless or else she surprises us all by saying smart things. Like with the picket line that Eddy was doing in "Will Work for Ed" but other times like in "Is there an Ed in the House?" she cant even put her own seat belt on. And my favorite "Victor changed his name to Nazz, just like me!"  She appears to be the 100% blond.

Nazz Quotes

Oh Rolf thats so gross!

Join us Ed.

If you think Im getting in that thing-

Bedtime now!

I think its time someone had a bath.

Date? Your parents hired me to baby-sit you dude.

I actually started to sweat! Me!

Is that what this line is for?