Voice: Samuel Vincent

The brains of the Ed-boys!

"The academic level of this cul-de-sac is dropping like a lead weight!"
(from "Dim Lit Ed")

    Edd is mostly referred to as "Double D" because of how he has 2 "D"s in his name. Although he has other nicknames (by Eddy) like "Sockhead," which is used in many epiosdes as well. Nonetheless, his "official" name is "Edward," which his parents call him - through sticky notes of course.

    Double D's parents communicate to him by sticky notes. In "Keeping Up With The Eds," sticky notes are everywhere in the kitchen, full of chores and things that Double D must do, whether it's mowing the lawn (in "Keeping Up With The Eds") or fixing the curtains (in "Momma's Little Ed"). Double D follows whatever the sticky notes say, seemingly, no matter what it says, like in "Momma's Little Ed."

    Double D is also always very obedient, never breaking the rules (in "Stop, Look And Ed"), unless you count squealing on everyone in the cul-de-sac the number 1 rule (according to Kevin). Even though everyone in the cul-de-sac is breaking every rule they can think of, Double D is the one who always "upholds these silkscreen policies." He even lost his hat momentarily for not breaking one!

    Double D is the smartest of the 3 Eds. He's the one who does most of the construction of making the Eds' scams real, and as for the ones that fail on them . . . Edd just keeps it in his basement to find any possible flaws later on. One very notable of Double D's high intelligence is his vocabulary. It seems like he's been reading the dictionary as soon as he started to crawl. He has a high vocabulary bank more than anyone else in the show. Some words that Eddy needs the definition too (like in "Home Cooked Eds"). It seems that he can also get annoyed by everyone in the cul-de-sac whose "academic level is dropping like a lead weight" (from "Dim Lit Ed"). So he gave a lesson to them once, but it didn't seem to work from his point of view, and he just tried to bear with it. So, what are the yielding abilities of cement, Double D? What; he knows it (from "3 Squares And An Ed").

    One sport that you may never see Double D enjoy is DODGEBALL. In the Eds' earlier year, back in 1999, a rumor went that Double D had a dodgeball incident when he was in gym class. The rumor soon changed to the truth when "Ed In A Half Shell" aired, with Double D begging Eddy not to play dodgeball, and that he's had a history with the game. Lucky for him, he wasn't the one who got hurt, but the fear of the game might still be with him.

    Double D loves to be clean, and everything around him to be clean. In "The Edtouchables," he vaccums Eddy before he goes into his room. Mostly anything in Double D's house is sparkling clean, from his room ("The Edtouchables") to the bathroom ("Over Your Ed") to the living room ("Keeping Up With The Eds"). Edd seems to be having a obsessive neurosis over cleanliness (Ed says in "Dueling Eds").

    Now, for the biggest thing that makes Double D . . . , Double D is . . . his hat. Not one episode has aired yet (at least in the US) showing Double D himself without his hat. Even though in "Stop, Look And Ed" showed that there was no hat on his head, he wasn't shown without it. The lucky ones who did see him hat-less were Ed and Eddy, which Eddy says that he'll use his hat secret to make Double D do whatever he wanted. There is the belief floating around that Sarah might know a bit of what's under his hat (from "An Ed Too Many"), but she doesn't seem to show around that she knows. Double D's hat enigma is one of the biggest mysteries of Ed, Edd n Eddy - possibly the biggest! So . . . what exactly is under there?!

    That's Double D. The brains of the scams, a follower of his parents, clean, neurotic, and secretive, all in one person. Plus, he's very cute to thousands of fans, like me.