
    Ed, Edd n Eddy is a cartoon show on Cartoon Network, and is owned by a.k.a. Cartoon Inc.
    The Ed, Edd n Eddy pictures, that are in the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite, are borrowed from some of the Cartoon Network web sites, and from Kit's Eddzone. I would like to give a lot of special thanks to them for the pictures, and some of the pictures are edited, but still come from these sites.
    Please take note, that the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite was created without permission, but was created by a really obsessed Ed-fan, and is created not to "abuse" the show (not saying "I hate the Eds." - when I really don't hate them). And to show you, I'm using web space to make a site to them. I love Ed, Edd n Eddy! And I'm not afraid to show it too (who wouldn't anyway?). *hehee*
I think Eddy found the menu. Click him to enter it.