What's New?
    This page holds the latest updates on what's happening in the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite. To make it a lot easier, the newest stuff will always be on the top, and will be in one color.

December 29, 2001
    I have one episode summary up; "Wish You Were Ed." I'm planning to get a few more done later, and hopefully by the New Year, or by the new episodes' premieres in January. I also hope to get some bios done as well. As for fan stuff, there are some really cool artwork by Rach added in the Fanart Gallery, and a cool new fanfic by ToastedGravy Jackson. Plus, a new link in the Ed-Fans' Sites; really cool. As for the Christmas decors, I'll keep them up until the New Year.
    I hope I can get all this done really soon. I've gone this far in restoring my site back in October (just a few months ago), and I bet that I can get everything (okay, not everything) all completed by the end of January . . . I hope. More updates and page-creating really coming soon.
December 26, 2001
    A little bit of updates today, or maybe it's not so little. It's a bit like my updates lately, since I have my Christmas break n all this week). Anyway, I've gotten the Ed, Edd n Eddy Games page up with a few games.
    This is what I'm hoping to get up by the end of the day today. I'm hoping to get at lest the Eds' bios up and a couple of episode guides in. I might be making other updates later on today, but I'll keep you informed.
December 25, 2001
    Merry Christmas everyone!!! I just want to mention that there are a few updates today. A new holiday fanart has been added (actually, since last night). I've gotten the Ed, Edd n Eddy Clips page up with a lot of episode clips, including a link for some downloadable clips and Cartoon Network's Ed, Edd n Eddy Interactive Movie ("Which Ed Rules?"). Plus, a new link is up in the Non-Eds' Sites page. A new name has been added in the Ed-Fan list - my mom! Plus, a new picture in the Link Me! page, but it's a bit different than the other ones.
    There's also a change in my EDmail address. My new EDmail address is doublet@ED_mail.zzn.com. If you want your own EDmail address, there's a link in the EDmail-box page (located in the Eds-etra page); please take note of the intructions that you may encounter when you get an account.
    I'm planning to get the rest of the things I said before (episode guides, character bios, etc.) and to get the Ed, Edd n Eddy Games page up.
    I'll mention more updates to come by later on during the day. More updates and pages to be created soon, hopefully by the New Year. Happy Holidays again, everyone!!! I hope you got what you wanted for Christmas.
December 23-24, 2001
    Not very much for now. What'd you expect right after an update that was yesterday? Well, okay. I do have a bit more than I had thought. Anyway, I've finally put up My Domain up, which is about me and my love-life with cartoons (and other stuff). I am going to make another update tomorrow if anyone has any Christmas stuff. I've also put in a little page of the history (the origin) of the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite (quite interesting). Plus, a new fanfic; a Christmas one. Plus a new holiday fanart in the gallery.
    I've just started my Christmas break on Friday last week, so I'm planning to do a lot of updating and page creating while I'm off (and I do seem to need it!). I might not be putting up the new stuff by days here, but here's what I'm aiming to get up: the character bios (at least the Eds), a few episode guides (for Season 3 atleast) and a link to the Eds' schedule for Cartoon Network (USA), the Eds' cToons guide (for Orbit), maybe a few new links and articles in the PCCP, and some new artwork by me (maybe others who send me them), and more. Happy Holidays everyone!!! Have a Happy New Year!!!

December 20-22, 2001
    Just like last week, but just a bit fewer updates than last time. A new article is in the PCCP, concerning great news about some new episodes for the US (but you'll never believe the time!), and another one about the start of Season 4 that's coming up! A new question has been added to the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite Help page. Maybe some more new Christmas fanart by me on the 21st (I've been getting a few ideas), and if I get any fanart by others, I'll put them up too. That's about it for now. Remember, only (today's the 20th on this update) 4 more days until I do my last update before Christmas. I'm planning to have an EDmail page up, so you can have EDmail too; that'll be up in the Eds-etra page). A new link in the Ed-Fan Links' page is up, with a very cool new site. More updates and created pages coming soon.
December 15-16, 2001
    A bit of scrambled updates through this weekend. You know, an update of one thing for one update, and another the next day. It'll be like that this weekend's update. Here's a few heads-up on what you might expect.
    There's a (revised) contest for the UK and Ireland. It's that "Crack Ed" jawbreaker game where you help Eddy bite a jawbreaker, and if you win, you win an Ed, Edd n Eddy backpack. This is only for residence of the UK and Ireland.
    A new Cartoon Network link for France has been set up. It is in the language of French, but don't worry - French nearly sounds like English (or maybe I can be a translator for you; I take French in school). Basically, it's almost the same as other European Cartoon Netwrok sites; still, it's nice to visit the French site too (helps learn the language too).
    A few Christmas fan stuff might be up, especially some of my own stuff (a fanfic and a fanart). If you have any Christmas fan stuff, send it to me before Christmas (I'll be doing a little update on the 24th if needed). I've also put in the Edd-chi Muyo! series of mine (way over due!).
    I've added a new page for any requirements for fanstuff that you might send me. This is so I won't have a hard time of zipping/unzipping, etc. to the stuff that I get. Not that I have a problem with it now, but just in case. It doesn't hurt preventing something, you know.
    A lot more updates for this weekend, as you can plainly see, but I might not have every single thing I've said up, but I'll try to get it all up. More updates and page creating soon.
December 9, 2001
    A new fanfic is up (Ed-Shrek), but take note that it has been rated for a PG to PG-13 rating (for humor language). I also got the "Won't You B-Ed My Neighbor" fanfic up again.
    I also got the RatEDs' page up. It's a page of voting polls for you to vote on. If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me them.
    I got the DreamSite Help page back up (that's helpful if you don't know about some things about the DreamSite). That page will be updated occassionally.
    One more bit of information. Since Christmas is coming up shortly, on a later update (around December 22-24, 2001) will probably be my last update before Christmas. If you have any Christmas stuff, send them to me before that date. I'll be putting up my own Christmas work up before then as well.
    That's about it for this week's update, other than the Spotlight Ed page (that's updated every week!). More pages to be created/update very soon.
December 2, 2001
    Not much again this week. Just the Spotlight Ed page, a new EDline for PCCP, and a few links to other sites I've made are posted up here. I'm still working on more updates.
November 25, 2001
    A little bit of updates for now. A new name has been added to the Ed-Fan List in the Ed-Fans' Central page. Some EDlines in the PCCP have been added (some info about Season 3). A new link is up, but is in the Non-Eds' sites page (still fun to go to though). I'm planning to get some more pages up, fanfics, the DreamSite help page, episode guides, bios, cToon guide, etc. More updates to come!
November 18, 2001
    I have a few fanfics up, and a link is at the fanfics' library (in the "other's library"), which I thought were good (I love fanfics, along with other fan stuff I get).
    Apologies from my last update - I accidentally forgot to put the links up. Sorry - my bad. Now, I can assure you, they're back up, so you can go to those now if you'd like.
    Some episode guides are up, mostly the Season 3 episodes, and a few Season 2 ones as well, but I still have to make the rest of Season 2 and some Season 1 episode guides.
    I'm still getting some of the other pages up, like the bios, some of the episode guides, etc. I have a Thanksgiving break next week, and maybe then, I'll have some of those up.
    In the library/gallery customizations' page, I've placed a few links that would lead to some pages that have those backgrounds. Take note that not all those backgorunds will have links to other pages.
    Some problems have been said about the Eds' sounds. I'm going to try to upload them again, and maybe then by tomorrow, they might be working better. That goes the same to the Eds' carols on the menu page.
    More pages to update/create, and might be up by the next update (which might be more recent than you think).
November 11, 2001
    I decided to do a little bit of updating. A little caroling at the bottom of the main menu page, with 3 of the Eds' carols from "Fa La-La-La-Ed."
    The links page is also back online with a couple of new links. Send me an EDmail if you want to have your site up in the links' page.
    As it is about every week, the spotlight page is updated for the week, with new things for the spotlight. If you missed last week's winners, ask me via EDmail. I keep a record of who/what won for the spotlight.
    More updates to come soon, and more pages to create. I'm hoping to complete the DreamSite by the end of the month.
November 9, 2001
    The Christmas look is now up (mostly just the main menu page)! Okay, so it's a bit early, but the Chrismas spirit came to me early this year. Besides, I might not be updating for a while, since I have another web site to take care of (right now, it needs a lot!), and some of you might know what it is. I'll post a link to it when it's done, and the spotlight's page will still continue with new things every week. I might post up a few little things in here a bit too.
    I got the Disclaimer page up again, with all the "legal stuff" in it. If I didn't get it all, and missed something, please send me an EDmail (you don't need to if you don't think I missed anything).
    A new article is up in the PCCP page, mostly about Season 3 and the new episodes for the US, and I even fixed up the link to the petition said, so you people can now access to that now.
    I'll try to come and update/create the rest of the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite's pages when I get the best chance to. More updates to come.
November 7, 2001
    A little update with a new name in the Ed-Fan List, and the link to the "new" DreamBook is up again (so, you can sign that now). I'm going to put the Christmas look in soon and a few more pages to update/create.
November 6, 2001
    The PCCP page is back up in the Eds-etra page with some new articles, along with a couple older ones.
    In the Ed-Fans' Central page, there's something that you can have (your own page of your fan stuff in it). If you need any ideas, check out my place, and be as creative as you want. To customize it, click here.
    The Ed-Fan List is also back up with a new name with the original names as well. No one is lost from it I hope. If you didn't see your name, or want to be added to it, send me an EDmail.
    The HolEDDays' page is back up too with some of Ed, Edd n Eddy holidays from around the world. More holidays of Ed, Edd n Eddy are still being searched for.
    More pages are still being updated/created and will probably be done in a few more updates. I'm thinking of making a new Christmas look for the DreamSite in the next update.
November 3, 2001
    The Link Me! page is back up, with the original banners. I'll be putting up more later when I think of a banner design idea.
    I've also gotten the interview with Erin Fitzgerald up again. I hope to get in contact with others at a.k.a. Cartoon soon.
    I've finally gotten the link up for the Spotlight stuff (character, episode, quote, etc.) for each update. Since that'll be updated every time the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite is updated, you can go look at that, and that'll be updated as well. And the link to that page is in the Eds-etra page.
October 29, 2001
    The whole Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite had a little trouble on the updates from the previous week. It's a long story. My web building program had trouble updating, and so, the only way was to change the URL of the DreamSite (with a few changes on the design - as you can see). But, I hope everything's okay now, and that this doesn't happen again.
    I've also changed a few more things than just the backgrounds. I've changed the counter statement too (it makes a bit more sense in relation to the show), and there's a bit of newer stuff in too. One big thing is the "Update Spotlight," which is something for every update, and it'll change every week (it'll stay for at least 7 days, even if I update an in-between weekly update).
    Something else that's new, is the "Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite" banner-logo on the top of the pages. I'll be posting that through many of the pages, but maybe not in some of the fan pages (fanfics, fanart, etc.). And in most of the pages, you can click on it to go back to the main menu page.
    Many of the pages are currently being restored/created, and I hope that they'll be done by the end of next week. The link to the Dreamy Eds' Forum is up again.
    A lot of more updates for the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite really soon. I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween!!! I'm going as Double D this year (I might post a picture as soon as I get a scanner; which will be really soon - that's good news).


| 2001 | 2002 |