Holla Menighet  |     Hjemmeside                forrige          ned   opp    1988 - 1993   |    1993 - 1998    |    1998 - .....
Fra Eivind prests fotoalbum 1998 - .... From the priest's photo album
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5a Ulefoss skole pynter kirken til jul - 2000 - 1     
Classes 5a and 5b from Ulefoss school decorate the church. Christmas 2000. - 1.
5a Ulefoss skole pynter kirken til jul - 2000 - 2     
Classes 5a and 5b from Ulefoss school decorate the church. Christmas 2000. - 2.
Eivind prest                          
Eivind Martinsen, priest.

Gudstjeneste - Ringsevjen Bo og Servicesenter      
Service in the old people's home.

Kirkekaffe i Helgen                   
Coffee after the service at Helgen church.

Konfirmanttur til Skirva - feb. 2000            
Confirmation candidates' weekend trip to Skirva, February 2000
Olsok på Høyden - 29-7-2000 - bespisning     
St.Olaf's day service at the old church ruin 29.07.00. Party afterwards..
Olsok på Høyden - 29-7-2000        
St.Olaf's day service at the old church ruin 29.07.00.
Pater Eivind           
Eivind Martinsen, priest.

Pilgrimer vel fremme i Romnes - mai 2000     
Pilgrims arrive at Romnes church, May 2000.
Påske - Holla kirke       
Holla church at Easter.

Påskemåltid i Holla kirke 2001            
  'Last supper' with schoolchildren in Holla church, Easter 2000

Påskesamling i Helgen kirke 2001            
Schoolchildren in Helgen church, Easter 2000
Skoleavslutning på Høyden - juni 2000 - her serveres det boller           
 End of year school service at the old church ruin. Breadcakes served afterwards

Vision club   October 2000