I'm running for President of the United States
as a canidate from the Libertarian Party.
I will be on the ballot in the State of Arizona.
The Harry Browne Reason
One of the reasons I'm running is
because Harry Browne is more into
taking money from Libertarians then running
for President. In his several bids for
President as a Libertarian
it seems like his main goal is to
pocket money he takes from Libertarians
which he tells will be used to make
commericals which are never made.
Most of this can be documented in
articles in Liberty Magazine.
I don't want your money.
The David Dorn Reason
In Oct 2002 I found out that since
1998 David Dorn who owns a Phoenix and Scottsdale
based insuranse company called Dorn Agency
or Dorn Insurance
has been making up lies about me and telling
people that I am a government snitch.
Ernie Hancock
told me about this lie when I helped him video tape
the Freedom Summit
I don't know why David Dorn has been
making up these lies but they have
hurt and damaged me very much.
I hope to focus on this issue and
have the media bring this out to the
public and get them to confirm that
these hateful lies David Dorn is
saying are just that "lies".
For more information on the
lies David Dorn has been saying
about me check out
My positions on the Issues
- Legalize all drugs
- Legalize all guns
- Legalize all victimless crimes
- Get rid of all taxes
- I'm pro-choice. It's none of the governments business what
a woman does with her body.
If you don't want an abortion don't have one.
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rights. The government doesn't have any business telling people who they can or can’t have sex with, Nor does the government have any business telling people what they can or can't do in their sex lives. The government needs to keep its nose out of peoples bedrooms. For more on a related issue see my stand on the rights of bigots and idiots.
- Marriage should be an agreement between the people involved. The government should get out of the marriage business and doesn’t have any business telling people who can or can't get married. If two, three, or ten males, females, gays, or lesbians want to get married it should be allowed. For more on a related issue see my stand on the rights of bigots and idiots.
- The war. The Libertarian Party doesn't have a position on the current war in Iraq and Afghanistan and it seems to divide Libertarians. I am against both of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am also against the war on terrorism too. The war on terrorism is really a war on the bill of rights.
- Children and minors rights. Children and minors should have the same rights as adults. Although in most cases it is probably better for the children not to exercise these rights and do what their guardians tell them.
- Idiots, bigots, racists, religious crackpots and other so called politically incorrect people should have the same rights as every one else. Just because your stupid doesn't mean you should not have rights. People should have the right to associate or not associate with anyone they want to. People should have the right to hate anyone they want for any reason. It is wrong for the government to force idiots, bigots, racists and other politically incorrect people to love their neighbors. These politically incorrect people all have the right to pursue their own happiness. Just because I think these people should have rights doesn't mean I agree with them. Even if these politically incorrect people have the right to hate their neighbor that does not give them the right to violate their neighbors rights by robbing, raping, killing, defrauding or assaulting them.
For more on a related issue see my stand on marriage and the rights of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.
- Immigration? I'm all for it. I think we should get rid of the INS, rip down the fences that separate Mexico and Canada from the U.S. and let people live and work wherever they like. That is almost how it was 80 years ago before we closed down the Mexican border and blamed Mexico for the Great Depression.
- The only function of government should be protecting people rights. Not one more thing.
- How I will govern
Well really I'm more of an Anarchist Libertarian then a
Libertarian. My position is we should
eliminate the government all together.
If the Libertarian position that taxes are stealing is true, which it is,
then any government that uses taxes to fund its
self should be eliminated.
My History
I have ran for office twice before.
I ran for Governor of Arizona, see
I ran for Precent Committee Member
as a Libertarian. I won in a landslide election.
I was elected by 100% of the vote :). One person
voted for me, and nobody voted against me.
The only reason I ran for this office was
so I could vote the evil Peter Schmerl out of office.
Peter Schmerl a scum bag lawyer from Tucson used
the force of law to take over the Arizona Libertarian
Party (ALP) with his scum bag Arizona Libertarian Party Inc
I don't plan on running again
since the evil Smorg is gone now.
Well maybe not. We still have
to kick out all the idiots who
came into the party from the Smorgs
camp and who are not "No Compromise Libertarians"
like the ALP used to be.
They are the idiots who allowed MCLP to
endorse Randy Pullen a Nazi who is
running for Mayor of Phoenix.
And we have to get back to telling
the state like ALP did that
"We ain't going to obey their stupid
election laws because they are unconstitutional."
Prior to the evil ALP INC taking over
the Arizona Libertarian Party
(ALP) I was
elected to the Governing Board of the
Arizona Libertarian Party.
But thats no big deal. Anybody that
leaves the convention to go to the bathroom
when they are nominating people could
get elected to that position.
Religion or lack of religion
I am an atheist so you don't need to
worry about me trying to use government
to shove religion on you.
But outside of that I don't give a rats
ass what god you worship as long as you
don't try to use the force of government
to force it on someone else.
The Presidential Seal
Emperor George W. Bush is having his lawyers hunt down and threaten to sue people who make fun of the Presidential Seal such as the newspaper
the Onion.
If I’m elected president you can do any thing you want with
the Presidential Seal for all I care.
Cover it with dog poop and put it on you web site. I don't care.
The Presidential Primary Election in Arizona doesn't count
Are you on drugs? The Presidential Primary Election in Arizona
doesn't count???!!!
Nope I'm not on drugs.
And Yes the Presidential Primary Election in Arizona
doesn't count. Check it out.
Other Libertarian Canidates
Other Libertarian Canidates
What the media has said about Mike Ross
Some of the things the media and other web sites have
said about Mike Ross in the race for the President.
These are some other groups and
people that are friends of the
Libertarian movement.
Homeless Poeple
Information on homeless people registering to vote.
Flip Flops
Mike has only flipped flopped on a few issues.
And he flipped flopped because he changed his mind,
not to get votes.
Here is a list of the
flip flops
Mike has done along with the reasons.
Contact Me
Send me e-mail at: