Song:- "Searchin' My Soul" sung by Vonda Shepard. Ok, so it's the title song from Ally McBeal, but I do like it :) Espically when I'm in a funny mood - 2 different moods actually :) The obivous one, is when I'm feeling sorry for myself. But, doesn't the section that goes......

"One by one, the chains around me unwind"

I know I can have a dirty mind, but I keep thinking about the implications if it was meant litereally. But, I've always looked at things oddly ;)

That's proberly one of the reasons why I've decided to rename my online jouranl as "Preaching To The Perverted", dispite the fact that most of the people who come here are perfecty normal. :) But, I think a large percentage would be slash fans. so I'm hoping some of them will `get' my new title :).

BTW the picture I'm using today, is of Keevan. The Vorta who was in "Rocks And Shoals" and "The Magnificent Ferengi", on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Who I've growen rather found of, after finding an annoyingly small cache of Wayoun / Keevan stories. ( They can be found at a couple of good fan sites for Jeffery Combs - the actor who plays Weyoun. Namely The Dollhouse and The CataCombs).

I'm still in the middle of settling into my new flat. Moving out of my old place, to housesit a right before Chirstmas was something of a nightmare though! What with trying to get everything cancelled or picked up at approate times *sigh*. I did luck out some what with my new flat, as I found the perfect (read cheap, very good location and completle with whiteware! Namely a fridge/freezer, washing machine, dryer *and* a microwave!)

So I'm sort of blaming the move and starting back at Uni at the end of Febuary for my lack of entries :) (Sorry :)