30 August 1999

So far I haven't written in this journal as often as I wanted to unfortuntly. *sigh* I was expecting to write in here a lot more often than 2-3 times a month! (I've got another non-online dairy that I write in every day! So I expected to write in here a lot more often.... :)

One thing I've been doing on line recently is downloading mp3 song files. Normally I'd prefer to have them on cd, but I've been getting songs I like listening to. But don't like enough to buy the cds they come from :). At the moment, I've been finding the songs through the lycos mp3 search engine. The main problem I've found though is the size of the files - they take up so much space it isn't funny!! (And can tae quite a bit of computing power to play....)

I have been trying to find a mp3 version of "Seduces Me" by celion Dion. (Please tell me if you do know where I can find it!) There used to be a really wondeful web page run by Sphinx, with short movies she made about Q/O :). My favourite was set to Seduces Me, with clips from TPM. But I never downloaded the song, while she had it.