Win My Award!
Totems Poetry Award
(note 7/03: Award Program suspended until further notice)_
Over time, I have been fortunate to visit many personal poetry websites by writers who have shared their gifts of word with so many.  I admire and appreciate their fine talents and enjoy spending time with their work.  These brave and beautiful souls have blessed the net with their time and talents and are deserving of our praise and recognition.  While I do not claim to be an expert on web design and graphic artistry, I do know and recognize the value of poets and their craft.  Hence, I have decided to create and award my own recognition for personal websites with poetry content by offering The Totem's Poetry Award for Excellence in Content.  While ease of navigation, appealing graphics and the like are most definitely important, what I look for is content or the site's MESSAGE.  Below are some fairly simple criteria to apply for this award - if you feel you meet the criteria, please email me  using the form below, with your name, URL of the website, site name, a brief description of the site.  I will visit your site and with any luck, you'll find your own totem to display with pride. On occasion, I will award a site with a special award that is made especially for that site's content, if I am impressed with it's message and format, but misses the mark for the specific nature of Totems pure poetry. I ask that if you win an award from me, that it be linked back to my site at:


   Website must consist of MOSTLY original poetry content   (this does not mean 1 or 2 poems, but an obvious website dedication to the craft)
   The Award is designed to recognize the personal efforts of one poet whose site is dedicated to their own work, i.e. original poetry of the site's author. The award is not meant to deal merely with the topic of poetry (i.e. instruction, postings, gatherings of multiple authors,etc.) or commercial poetry sites that promote contests, retail items, links, references or work displayed of other authors.
   no vulgar or offensive themes, profanity, the occult (witchcraft, etc.)or adult rated sites
   good mastery of graphic (aestetic) appeal
   ease of navigation - no distracting pop-ups every screen, decent download time, clear pathways in place
   Cannot be only link sites
   No "under construction" sites
   No altering of my award (size, etc.)
   Links and images should not be broken
   Applicants must be at least 18 years of age
   Award must be linked to my site (I'll check now & again!)
   No excessive advertising banners
   Site must be in English (can't read much else!)
   You are encouraged to sign my guest book (not necessary to win an award, but to know you have traveled through Totems!)
   Please read my privacy policy by clicking on the Totem

If you are selected, you will be contacted by email.  Please allow up to month for notification.  Application does NOT guarantee award.  Winners have their choice from the two awards below (created by Ice Dream).  If no choice is selected, the darker colored award will be given.



Winners of the Totems Award
(click on the buttons to visit their wonderful worlds!)


Katie's Poetry From The Heart

The Darkness Within Me

Look Here....Titia

Cloud 9

Coyote Jo's

Echoes of My Heart

Heart Thoughts

Glimpses of My Soul

Summersong's Inspiration For The Spirit

Un Opera Poetique

Avalon's Atelier

Devotion To Emotion & Artistic Expression

The Poetry of J.D. Nelson

Windows Poetry

A Woman's Heart

Please refer to my Privacy Policy
if you have any concerns regarding the information you share using this form.

Award Entry Form
Your name?

Your email address:(e.g.:

Type in your URL here.(e.g.: http://)

Did you read the criteria?
Yes No
Give a brief description of your Web Site.