
your face is so lovely

      Who wills,

      Who tries,

      Who loves,

--From Anne McCaffrey's Dragonflight
The model picture is a scan from the Perfect Works book; the image was found on Amber Michelle's Guardian Angels and was cropped by me. This is a side view of Elly's face, and is frankly very, very bad. I tried to model out Elly's head into simple shapes, but I couldn't seem to do anything proper with it.

The next pic after is a small doodle that broke down Elly's proportions by "heads". In figure drawing, artists like to break things down in units of "heads". For instance, the forearm will be "about one head long" or the torso is about "one and a half heads high". Basically, what this does is that you draw the head first, and once that's done, you'll be able to draw everything else on the figure in proper proportions.

Any of the pictures may be clicked on for a larger view, if you so choose. Feel free to save them to your own disk if you think they will help you.

First Attempt
This is a REALLY bad attempt at drawing Elly's profile. On my drawing, the middle-left one is a trace, and the other ones were copies of that trace. You can see the attempt at figuring out what makes up Elly's head with the middle-right face. I drew an oval, then, around the chin/nose/mouth area, I squared it off and placed the features there. Around the bridge of the nose, I have NO idea how to properly do anything, so don't ask. I made a bunch of lines, but I wasn't able to piece anything together.

A Little Sketch
This is a freehand sketch of Elly's profile. Now, it SORT OF looks like her, but this picture doesn't carry any of Elly's "aura", which shows that I learned really little from this tracing exercise. I don't really know what's wrong, but I *think* it has to do with the shape and the position of the eye. The eye is very important when defining a character. At least I learned something about drawing her hair (in anime drawing, the hair's very important as well). Now that I look at it, though, the chin might be another problem. It's too far back in this picture. If I would have listened to my own advice, I would have drawn that "corner of the box" so her mouth and chin sort of line up in a straight line.

Attempts at Art


Dreamer of Elly (E-Dreamer)