Survivor's Story by Marsha Hammond
Chapter 1...First Remembrance
Once upon a time, there lived a little human girl named
Missy. Missy was a very loving little girl
but as those around her observed, she was very shy. Missy
liked it when people would call her shy because then they
would not expect her to tell them anything about her
family, her life, and her feelings. Missy housed a secret
deep inside her and she would let no one in because
inside there was pain and she wanted to forget the pain.
Missy's first memories of her daddy were of a big man
with a deep voice standing over her playpen and trying to
make her laugh. She didn't like this man but she didn't
know why. She laughed because he tickled her. When he
went away, her mommie would take her in her arms and rock
her in the big rocking chair and sing to her.
The next memory she had was of waking up in her little
bed very scared while this big man yelled
at her mommie and made mommie cry. This made Missy cry
and when Missy cried, her daddy would stop yelling and
come to her and tell her that she was just having a bad
dream and to think happy things like kittens and pretty
balloons and go back to sleep. He then would kiss her and
tuck her in all snug. Missy couldn't understand any of
this so she locked everything inside and would pretend to
sleep so that he would not come back in her room. She
wanted mommie but mommie never came at those times.
Miss grew and started school. She was called "the
quiet one". She didn't mind. She made friends with
her classmates and she locked herself away in a world of
books and daydreams. She pretended she was
Cinderella and that someday a prince on a beautiful horse
would come and take her away and love her and make her
happy and never, ever yell at her or hit her like her
daddy did to her mommie.
Why was daddy so nice and funny and kind one minute and
mean and hitting the next? Were
other children's daddies like that too? As Missy grew up,
she began to understand and that understanding brought
more fear.
Chapter 2....No Answers, Only
Missy played dolls happily with her friend Annie. They
were sitting in the yard and having a tea
party. Her daddy came home from work and got out of the
car and walked over to them. He sat on the lawn and
wanted to know if he could join the tea party. Annie was
happy to have him there but Missy was scared. She was
afraid that he would be angry and hit her in front of
Annie and then everyone would know the secret. Missy's
fears were unfounded that day. Her daddy was in one of
his kind and funny moods and at the end of the tea party,
he gave each of them money so they could walk to the
corner store and buy ice cream. All the way to the store,
Annie kept saying how she wished her daddy was like that.
This made Missy wonder if all daddies were like hers and
maybe if she was very, very good, he wouldn't get angry
and hit mommie and her. So she promised herself that she
would be even a better girl than she was now, although
she didn't know what else she could do but she would
think of something.
More time passed and mommie now liked to take her to the
cemetery to play. Mommie said it was a quiet place and
she could play among the stones. Missy found a stone with
little lambs and she liked to cover
the little lambs with her doll blanket and pretend that
they were taking a nap. Mommy sometimes took a nap while
they were there. Missy wondered why mommie was tired a
lot and why she always had bruises from walking into
doors. It was only years later that she learned that the
cemetery was a place that daddy never though to look for
them when he was in a mean mood.
One day, daddy came home with a puppy. It was a cute
black puppy and Missy named her Cinderella. Cinderella
lived many years and was a constant companion and friend
to missy. Missy could sit and cry on
Cinderella and tell her everything that was bothering her
and Cinderella understood and of course always kept
Missy's secrets. Cinderella went everywhere with Missy
except to school of course. She even went on vacation
with her. Cinderella was the nicest thing to come into
Missy's sad and frightened life. When Cinderella died,
Missy was in her teen years, and it broke her heart. She
had lost her best friend and the only one she could talk
to. It was many, many years after Cinderella's death that
Missy found a friend that she could tell her hopes,
fears, and dreams to.
Missy was all tucked in bed most nights when Daddy came
home from work. She would hear the car drive in the
driveway and she would sneak out of bed and sit down at
the window and just peak over the windowsill and watch
him come in. Some nights he would walk right in and
others he would fall out of the car and crawl in the
house as if his legs would not support him. On those
nights, she knew there would be more yelling and more
beatings. She would run back into her bed and hold
Cinderella tight and shake with fear.
Missy's mommie told her that she must never tell their
"private" family business to anyone. Missy
obeyed. She was sure that all families must be like this
and each kept their secrets within the family. Even Missy
lied about her bruises, she just laughed and told people
that she was clumsy. No one questioned her, they had no
reason to. She came from the perfect middle class family
after all. She had every material thing money could buy,
her home was bright and cheerful, she went to the
"right" schools, wore the "best"
clothes and her parents belonged to the country club like
all her other friend's families did.
As Missy grew older, she questioned what beer was and
what whiskey was that her daddy drank all the time. She
was told it was a grownup drink and when she was old
enough she could drink it too. Missy understood that
there were grownup things as she heard her daddy yelling
that her mommie wouldn't be a "wife" to him. He
threatened to rape her like he did to get her pregnant
with Missy. Missy didn't understand what daddy meant by
rape but she knew that it was something bad because Missy
was the only child, mommie must have hated it and never
wanted to do it again. Of course, Missy couldn't ask what
it was and Cinderella had no answers so she held all this
deep inside her with the other secrets and questions that
had no answers.