Mighty the Armadillo

Mighty the Armadillo is basically what you might expect from his name, a very strong armadillo. When I say "very strong", I mean VERY strong. Looking at his picture, you might think he's a wimp (he's got the typical SegaSonic tiny scrawny flabby arms), incapable of doing even one pushup, but he can evidently do things like knock over trees and lift boulders, singlehandedly! (Single-PAW-edly? That's a mouthful...) So obviously it's a magical ability, something supernatural. Beyond that, he can climb walls and do something called "kicking off", but I have NO idea what that is... As for personality, it's basically like Sonic--impatient, hot-tempered, never thinks things through without just running off, etc. Of course, one could argue that when one is able to either (a) outrun almost anything or (b) beat almost anything to a pulp with the greatest of ease, maybe one doesn't NEED to think things through, but that's a debate for another day...
He was introduced in the game "SegaSonic Arcade" along with his buddy, Ray the Flying Squirrel, which came out a year BEFORE "Knuckles Chaotix", so he's an older and more established character than the other Chaotix members.
That's all the "official" stuff. Now for my own interpretation. In my first Sonic fanfic, "Shadows of the Future", Mighty somehow got a realistic, cynical, practical, downright PESSIMISTIC personality. The exact OPPOSITE of how he's supposed to act, in fact. He was telling Bunnie how and why every single part of her plan wouldn't work, when in fact he should have been going, "Wow, that sounds great! LET'S GO!" but I ended up keeping it that way anyway. I don't know, somehow, I just had an urge to make the strong guy smart instead of stupid, and I LIKE the way his personality turned out--it's a lot more deep than his original one!--so I'll continue to use it. In my version of things, he was born normal, but suddenly got his super-strength at a young age--and HOW he became that way is a mystery, even to Mighty himself. He originally comes from a sub-tropical region of Mobius, reminiscent of south Florida on Earth, and talks with a slight, modified, southern-ISH accent that you can't quite place at first. He comes from a LARGE family--three identical (except for the strength; that's not genetic, he got it due to an incident later on in life) quadruplet brothers--Marcus, Milton, and Melvin (Mighty's own real name is Michael) and four identical quadruplet sisters--Mary, Carrie, Sherry, and Terry! (REAL armadillos always have kids in identical sets of four, so...). Also both his parents are still alive, so he's NOT an opressed, abandoned, lonely sad orphan like practically everyone else in the Sonic universe. He LEFT because the constant noise, crowding, and arguing got on his nerves, (and I don't blame him!) Currently he visits them every now and then but mainly lives on the Floating Island, in the Ice Cap Zone. Even though he prefers warmer temperatures because of where he was born and raised, he lives there for two reasons: (1) None of the other Chaotix can go there because they'd freeze to death (Espio, Charmy, and Vector are all cold-blooded!) and (2) he likes to show off how "macho" he is--it's a very inhospitable climate, so he's like, "Look at me, aren't I TOUGH?" True, Knuckles could go there, as he's another mammal, but if Mighty REALLY wants privacy, he can always just lift up a huge boulder, go underneath it, then put it back down again, and voila!
Anyway, like I said, all the above is MY interpretation, not anything official, but if you want to use it go ahead. Just make SURE you tell me you're doing so first.

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682 curious Floating Islanders have stopped by to talk to Mighty since June 19, 1999..and he punched them all so hard, they ended up stuck inside a wall of ice for all eternity...