The Mushroom Hill Zone
The Mushroom Hill Zone is one of the 14 levels from the two games, Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles, which BOTH take place on the island and are one, continuing, connected story. (In total, and in order of playing, the places/levels are: Angel Island, Hydrocity, Marble
Gardens, Carnival Night Zone, IceCap Zone, Launch Base, Mushroom Hills, Flying Battery (doesn't count, it's a ship flying above the island, not part of the island itself), Sandopolis, Lava Reef, the Hidden Palace, the Sky Sanctuary, and then Death Egg and Doomsday Zone, which are both in space and so, again, are not part of the island.) Anyway, Mushroom Hills is an INCREDIBLY thick, dense, lush and beautiful oversized jungle/swamp where the mushrooms are big enough to sleep under, the trees are so huge you can hardly see their tops, the insects are 5 feet long, and so forth. It almost looks like a primitive prehistoric "dinosaur days" type of jungle. It's strange and exotic but very very pretty.
Click HERE to return to the Floating Island Tour Route.
Click HERE to return to the Chaotix Clubhouse.
Click HERE to return to Sandopolis.
curious tourists have strolled under the giant toadstools and bounced off the springy vines of this primitive paradise since May 17, 1999. Of course, most of them died of malaria from the giant mosquito bites, but hey...