"A Brief Interview With E-102 Gamma"
By Cuisinart King
CK: Welcome to another edition of "The Coolest Stars of Mobius". Today we have a special guest. He's not REALLY a badnik although he looks like one--he's actually a pretty darn cool dude. Say hello to E-102 Gamma!
E-102: Thank you. I actually do not have enough time for all this but after seeing your previous interviews with Sonic, Knuckles, and Chaos, I feel that I ought to go for the interview too so that I can create a name for myself!
CK: You've made a good choice! All right, now to the questions. Can you tell us about yourself and background?
E-102: Well, as you know, I'm a robot made by Robotnik-sama* to accomplish his quest: destroying Sonic. I am the second robot of the E-100 series, so I am a very deadly and efficient model.
CK: But why did you try to defect from your master to destroy the other E-series bots?
E-102: Remember, all the robots he created each have their own free soul inside. He doesn't TOTALLY control us, so we sometimes make our own decisions. The real reason I wanted to be free from Robotnik is I do not want to suffer his wrath when I make a mistake. In fact, his control over Chaos has come to a critical point. If he doesn't stop his plan, Chaos will eliminate him instead and become the real master.
CK: That's a wise decision. So, how do you find your appearance in Sonic Adventure?
E-102: I must say I feel honoured to appear in Sonic Adventure. My quests are really very simple--destroy the other E-series 'bots.
CK: What about Robotnik?
E-102: Defeating the other 'bots is the same as defeating Robotnik himself. It ruins his plans and makes him angry. That is about all one robot can do. But it's enough.
CK: That'll teach him to mess with the good guys.
E-102: I imagine it will.
CK: I'm sorry that this is such a short interview, but I hope you enjoyed it.
E-102: Of course I did.
CK: Well, then, that's all for "The Coolest Stars of Mobius" this time! Join us for the next edition, coming soon to a website near you!
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tourists have stopped by to have a nice chat with E-102 Gamma since September 12, 1999. Of course, he shot them all to death with his arm-laser, but hey...