D&D: The Classic Role-Playing Game

Well...not Quite.

(Plural Noun Beginning with "D") and (Plural Noun Beginning With "D") is a/an (Adjective) game in which a group of three to (Number) people sit around a large (Noun) and tell a story together. The referee is called the "(First Plural Noun) Master", or DM, and he/she/it tells the story while the other players make up their own characters and say what they want them to do. Depending on the rolls of the (Plural Noun), these actions may or may not succeed.
D&D was first created (Amount of Time) ago by (Person), and has been very popular ever since. Some people think it's "evil" but it's really only fun. It has many variations, such as "(Adjective) World", "(Creature)" Lance", "(Colour) Hawk", and "Forgotten (Plural Noun)". It is owned by (A Company), but there are many other companies making similar types of games now as well.
Characters can be races such as (Creature), (Creature), or (Creature), or others. Professions, or "classes", include (A Job), (A Job), and (A Job). Character success is partially determined by attributes such as Strength, Constitution, (Abstract Noun), Intelligence, (Abstract Noun), or (Abstract Noun). The characters must fight horrible monsters like (Plural Noun) or (Plural Noun) in order to rescue prisoners, gain experience, or (everybody's favourite) obtain huge amounts of (Substance), at least (Amount of Money)'s worth.
Some characters can cast spells like "(A Person)'s (Adjective) Meteors", which throws deadly (Plural Noun) at the enemy, or spells that can keep (Plural Noun) from noticing you. Some characters can cast healing spells, or turn (Creature, Plural), and worship gods such as (Person) or (Person). Others can climb walls in only (Amount of Time), and get a bonus to attack if they sneak up and stab monsters in the (Part of the Body). Still others have muscles like (A Substance), but the brain of a turnip, and can lift huge, (Amount of Weight) loads, or bend bars made of (Substance) without even trying.
Most ordinary gaming sessions of D&D last (Amount of Time), and most gamers bring lots of snacks, such as (Plural Noun) or (Plural Noun), and (Liquid) to drink. Some players may live far away, and have to drive as much as (Distance) in their (Vehicle, Plural) to get there. And some players, like "Rules Lawyers" or "Experts" can make EVERYBODY want to shove a/an (Noun) down their throats!
However, despite the odd difficulty or problem, D&D, no matter how you slice it, is an interesting and enjoyable game.

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