"In the Future"

Author's Note: I would like to say at this point that even though this is the third Mad Lib appearing on Sandopolis, it was the very, very FIRST one I ever wrote, and I wrote it a long time ago. Hence the sorta clunky writing style. It's also very close to the original, "traditional" Mad Lib style, as I hadn't developed my own wacky style quite yet at this point. But it's still pretty funny, so kick back, read, and enjoy!

In the future, you will fall in love with (Person of Opposte Gender.) It will be love at first (Verb). When you are dating each other, you will go (Verb ending in "ing") at discotheques and go (Verb ending in "ing") at restaurants. You will go to the cinema, (Verb) movies, and eat (Plural Noun).
When the wedding bells (Verb), you and your chosen mate will exchange (Plural Noun) to wear on your (Part of the Body, Plural).
After that comes the honeymoon. As everyone knows, a/an (Adjective) honeymoon is they key to a perfect marriage. Most normal honeymoons last (Amount of Time), and you may want to visit popular (Place). There, you will (Verb) (Adverb) in the moonlight, hold (Part of the Body, Plural), and (Verb) each other on the (Part of the Body,) All in all, a very romantic relationship.
THEN comes children. You will have (Number) children, and all of them will be a pain. As babies, they'll go through at least (Number) diapers a day, and when they are learning to (Verb), they'll trip and land on their (Part of the body). Later on, they'll want you to buy them things like pet (Creature, plural) or junk food like (Plural Noun).
Still later, they'll want (A Brand Name) shoes and bizzarre haircuts. As teenagers, they'll want heavy (Substance) music and earrings. And when they're young adults, they'll hopefully go to college so that they can get good jobs, like (A Job) or (A Job). Institutions of higher learning like (Name of a School) cost (Number) dollars, which could be hard on the wallet.
Meanwhile, you and your spouse can retire to (Place), sit in the shade, and sip (Liquid) all day.
At least until they dump the grandkids on you.

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