"A Tribute to Lupe"

By Joshua

(A spotlight shines on Diablo, Reynard, and Joshua as they sit Indian-style in front of the house band. The band begins to play the music from Larry Norman's "I Wish We'd All Been Ready".)

(Verse One)
Life was filled with guns and war,
and most of us were trampled on the floor.
I wish it wasn't Lupe.

Robotnik rose, the days grew cold,
We lost our friends, we were driven from our homes.
I wish it wasn't Lupe.

(Chorus: All)
She gave her life, to save her kind,
We turn our backs and she's roboticised.

(Verse Two)
When we were weak, she was strong,
It was that strength that kept us hanging on.
I wish it wasn't Lupe.

A soldier, leader, and a friend,
She fought like mad, until the very end,
I wish it wasn't Lupe.

(Accoustic guitar solo)

When Charles spoke,
our leader died,
But they can't erase
What she left behind.

(Chorus: All)
She gave her life, to save our kind.
We turn our backs and she's roboticised.

Diablo: Adios, mi amiga.

(Josh walks over to his normal set, which is a bit more dimly-lit than usual, where he is joined by what's left of the WolfPack.)

Josh: Evening Sonicfans, tonight's edition is a special tribute to the greatest hero of the Wolfpack, Lupe. Joining me is the remainder of the Wolfpack--Canus, Diablo, Reynard, and the twins.

(WolfPack waves.)

Josh: Well, I guess my first question would be: When I saw "Cry of the Wolf" on the Sonic SatAM series, none of you guys were there. What's the deal?
Reynard: Casting changes.
Canus: Yep. By the time we were introduced properly in the comics, all those guys had jobs on "Beast Wars" or "Darkstalkers", and really didn't want to do a comic.
Diablo: And look where THOSE shows ended up! (High-fives Canus.)
Josh: Well, you guys do make a great team.
Reynard: We try.
Josh: So, I've also heard people ask: If you guys are supposed to be based on Native American tribes, then what's with all the armour and spandex? Where are your wampum beads and loincloths?
Reynard: Hey, get with the '90s, man! Nobody wears loincloths anymore!
Canus: Yeah, what do you think this is, Katmandu? HAH!
Josh: (Quiet for a second) So, how have you guys managed so far without Lupe?
Diablo: She will return, we are only waiting.
Canus: Ken never gets rid of them forever.
Josh: I guess not, but he's really been thinning out the cast--Charmy, Valdez, now Lupe?
Canus: I wish it wasn't Lupe.
Jon: You established that in the song.
Josh: Well, guys, thank you for doing the show, and for helping me come up with that song.
Reynard: No problem. In fact, on the website that performance will be available in MP3 format, a "Sonic Talk" first.
Josh: And it will also be on "Sonic Talk: The Blue Album", to come out later on.
Canus: We hope you fans will check it out. All proceeds will go to the "Deroboticise Lupe" fund.
Josh: Well, that's all the time we have, guys. Drop in again if you're in town, I always like a good musical number!
Reynard: Will do!
Josh: Well, anyway, I guess that's it. I thank you for tuning in. See you next time when I'll be joined by Antoine DeCoolette! Thank you and goodnight!

"A Mother and a Hero to us All"
You are NOT forgotten.

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331 tourists have stopped by to read the tribute to Lupe since October 28, 1999. Of course, they all went away sniffling.