"A Brief Interview with Tikal"
By Joshua
(The studio is infested with Chao. They waddle around on the coffee table and guest couch, where Tikal is trying--futilely--to keep them out of trouble.)
Josh: Evening Sonicfans! Welcome to another edition of "Sonic Talk"! Sorry for the long pause, it was the Valentine's Day holiday. Anyway, this week our guest is Tikal! What's up?
Tikal: Nothing much. Sorry about the Chao; just just kinda follow me around.
Josh: No problem, as long as they stay away from the green room. Wyn might try to deep-fry one or something. So, how've things been going since your debut in Sonic Adventure?
Tikal: Oh, great, I've gone over much better in the States than Uncle Yuji thought I would.
Jon: I'D say. (Wink).
Josh: Jon, she's a guest.
Jon: So was Amy Rose. Several times, in fact.
Josh: Yeah, but I'm the host, so I'm ALLOWED to flirt with guests.
Jon: I get no respect.
Josh: So, with this new Sonic Adventure comic adaptation, any plans for a comic appearance?
Tikal: Well, it's kind of a tossup. The publishers would have liked more room in the Knuckles comic to fit me in so I might just be bumped completely. I'm waiting for the call, but lately I've just been doing fanfics.
Josh: I hear you're in a Knuckles fan-movie to come out later this year. Can you tell us more about your part in that?
Tikal: Well, kinda. "Knuckles: the Guardian" features a more mature version of my character, not really me. Just another character with my name. After all, I COULDN'T have reached the age of the "Tikal" in the movie; I died at the age you see me now.
Josh: What do you have to say about the accusation that Chao are just an attempt to compete with Pokémon?*
Tikal: (Picks up a Chao and hugs it) I don't care if they are; they're twice as cute and ten times as cuddly as a Pikachu.
Josh: I'd have to agree with that statement, but Clefairys run a close second.
(A huge shadow of a Chao appears on the floor of the studio, scaring all the other Chao.)
Josh: One of your little critters seems to have found its way into the lighting rig.
Tikal: Don't worry, they'll leave with me.
Josh: I hope so.
Jon: (trying to extricate himself from about five Chao who are all demanding a cuddle) Yeah, (ugh) cute, but not litter-box trained.
Josh Well, that's all the time we have. Thanks to Tikal, and her Chao!
Tikal: You're welcome.
Josh Tune in next time when my guest will be that immortal handyman, Rotor the Walrus! Sayonara, Sonicfans!
*Editor's Notes: Pokémon? The very first thing that popped into MY mind was that Chao were 3D-rendered, colourful, TAMAGOTCHI!! And my brother and mom thought that too. I don't know Pokémon very well (read, AT ALL) so they might have some resemblance in the way they evolve or whatever. BUT, Chao are DEFINITELY modeled after the ORIGINAL pocket pets--Tamagotchi.
Oh, and I added/changed a lot of other stuff, too, but then again I always do with these interviews. Such as Jon didn't originally say that Amy had been on the show "several times, in fact" and Tikal didn't say she died at the age she is now. But I thought they made the interview clearer.
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tourists have stopped by to chat with Tikal since February 17, 2000. Of course, she just started rambling on in snatches of old Echidna sayings, poetry, and weird bits of philosophy, so they eventually wandered away totally confused.