War Craft3 Frozen Throne
Human Heros


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Human Heros



This is my second favorite hero out of all of the races he is good for rushs and mad killing these are his skills

Flame Strike
Conjures a pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time.


Turns a unit ethereal and slows its movement speed by 50% for 36 seconds. Ethereal units cannot attack, but they can cast spells and will take 66% more damage from Magic attacks and spells.



Siphon Mana
Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from it every second and giving it to the Blood Mage.


Phoenix (Ultimate)
Summons a powerful Phoenix. The Phoenix burns with such intensity that it damages itself and nearby enemy units. Has Spell Immunity, and Resistant Skin. When a Phoenix dies, it creates an egg that will hatch into a Phoenix.




This is my second favorite hero he is ok be cause he summons these are his skills


Calls down waves of freezing ice shards that damage units in a target area.


Summon Water Elemental
Summons a Water Elemental to attack the Archmage's enemies.


Brilliance Aura
Gives additional mana regeneration to nearby friendly units.


Mass Teleport (Ultimate)
Teleports 24 of the player's nearby units, including the Archmage, to a friendly ground unit or structure.




This is my third favorite hero out of the humans his skills are ok but not the best these are his skills


Holy Light
A holy light that can heal a friendly living unit or damage an enemy undead unit.


Devotion Aura
Gives additional armor to nearby friendly units.


Divine Shield
An impenetrable shield surrounds the Paladin, protecting him from all damage and spells for a set amount of time.


Resurrection (Ultimate)
Brings back to life the corpses of 6 friendly nearby units. The spell will choose the most powerful corpses to resurrect if there are more than 6.




This my least favorite hero for the humans because he is only mele but here are his skills


Storm Bolt
A magical hammer that is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target.


Thunder Clap
Slams the ground, damaging nearby enemy units. Units are also slowed for the duration listed below.


Bash (Passive)
Gives a chance that the Mountain King's attack will do 25 bonus damage and stun his opponent for 2 seconds (1 second for Heroes).


Avatar (Ultimate)
Activate Avatar to temporarily give the Mountain King 5 bonus armor, 500 bonus hit points, 20 bonus damage and spell immunity.

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