
*In General*

This is a not-for-profit fan page, and is not endorsed by Warp Graphics or any other person, company, or entity mentioned within.

Elfquest, its characters, and all indicia thereof are copyright 1978-1999 Warp Graphics.

EQ Fan Pages / Borrowed Images

The Elfquest Ultimate Webring is the copyright of its creator(s)/webmaster(s). The Elfquest logo on the Welcome Page comes from Chaos in Phoenix, and is used with the permission of the creator of that site. The "Elfquest Now!" image/button comes courtesy of Clearbrook's Den, however, the original designer is unknown.

Other Images and Notices

All the non-EQ-related images come from Bells and Whistles. All Tripod images and banners are copyrights of Tripod and its webmaster(s). Other pages, their titles, and contents are the copyrights of their respective owners. All derivative images will have a link to the original page to preserve the integrity of their creator(s).

My Claims

All other contents are copyright 1997-1999 John Alan Riggs, with the exception of all fanfic, wherein the rights of the original, source material belong to the person(s) and/or company which created the work, and no rights are claimed by the author. Any resemblance between characters and actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This page was last updated, by Alan (John Alan Riggs), on March 5, 1999.

Welcome Page

Addiction Page
