The Daughters of Strongbow, Part One: Chapter 8 A Self-MSTing by Alan (...As usual, the disclaimers are stuck at the end.) (Mike and the bots are stuck in their seats, for Dr. Forrester has sealed the doors shut until the fanfic ends.) >8: Winners and Losers > >The troll were dead. Sezen basically was, too. CROW: Synopsis... dead trolls, dead Sezen. Life sucks. > >Sezen, son of Orash, and lovemate of Jieta, was wounded >beyond recovery. His two surviving friends were by his >side in these final minutes. They listened intently as >Sezen painfully said, SERVO: (Sezen) I regret nothing! CROW: (Sezen) You were right, Luke... MIKE: (Sezen) I have only one life to give to my tribe... >"Dobil... you are the last of Orash's descendants now. >Please, find your way home, and tell my family about my >death..." > >Dobil solemnly nodded. Sezen, short of breath, continued, >"And Foxfur... I knew more... than you thought. MIKE: Coulda fooled us. >Your father... he has given birth CROW: You know, I could have done without *that* mental image. >to a new child... and it is in the ...dying woman's body. >The child must live... that is what they said, Foxfur, >must live..." > >Sezen would speak no more. His head fell limp, and the >warrior's son died honorably. The eyes of Foxfur and >Dobil SERVO: Fell out of their heads. Splat, splat, splat, splat. >turned now to Joyleaf... the "yellow-haired female" Dobil >had picked up. The elven woman was at least half dead. >But she continued to breathe. The curse was powerful, >indeed. MIKE: Indeed. CROW: Indeed! SERVO: InDeEd. >For a elf girl's birth cycle is a full two turns of the >seasons (two years). And somehow, Joyleaf would have to >live until "Stormbringer" would be born. MIKE: Steven Ratliff would tremble at such a plot device. CROW: You gotta credit this author for rewriting the biology books. > >In the dark days following Madcoil's attack, Bearclaw >tried his best to Send to Joyleaf. But there was no >response, not even a hint... All were convinced that the >chief's lifemate, along with the others, had died either >in or after the battle. Why did Joyleaf not respond, if >she was indeed alive? She was physically and mentally >wounded - beyond repair - and all her energies went into >keeping the unborn Stormbringer alive. > >Over the next two years, Foxfur and Dobil lived by >themselves in that far corner of the Holt. Occasionally, >they would hear the howling of wolves... and Strongbow >would come by. CROW: To check on the meter! SERVO: Now *that* I can't see... >But even when Foxfur and her father Sent to each other, >the daughter could not get a confession from him. And in >this way, Foxfur became a recluse. > >Joyleaf's child was born without ceremony. >"Stormbringer," as the child had been named, was a >female. She was somewhat deformed from Joyleaf's state - >her breasts seemed shrunken and ugly even now. SERVO: Aaaaagggghh-- (His head explodes with a pop.) CROW: I didn't just read that... MIKE: What the hell? This is a *baby* we're talking about! >But at least the child had lived. Stormbringer had a soul >name - Zhai. As for her mother, she gave up life and was >carried away by her old wolf one night. MIKE: Now that's what I call a bad ending. Come on, let's get out of here. CROW: Uh-huh! -- (A minute later, back on the Satellite of Love's bridge, Mike is carrying Tom Servo's still-stunned body. Crow is right behind him.) MIKE: OK, Doctor... show yourself. No need for suspense. CROW: You don't want us to get too impatient, do you? (Dr. Forrester's head appears on the traditional video screen. For once, he is not wearing anything green. Instead, he is clad in a yellow-and-red outfit much like Rayek's "Book 8" garb.) DR. F.: Of course not, dears. In fact, before too much longer, I don't think you'll be needing to worry about *time* much at all... CROW: Oh, spill the beans already! DR. F.: You know what sort of effect alternate-universe fanfic has on the actual writings? Well, you're about to find out! Nya ha ha! MIKE: Oh great, I feel something goofy coming on... (The doctor hits a glowing green button on the wall of Deep 13. As Mike and the bots look on, the Satellite bridge suddenly fades to white...) GYPSY: (Off-stage) Is there something weird going on in there, boys? (When Mike and the bots can see again, they find themselves on the bridge of a very different ship. Above them seems to be space... nothing seems to be holding any air in. But they can see that they are near the edge of the ship, for it tapers off a hundred meters in the distance and forms a rounded end. At that end of the ship, a lone figure stands, not facing them. The individual's hair is white and ragged, falling down below the person's shoulders. Though Mike and the bots can not see if they are male or female... or even human, the person calls out in a loud, deep voice.) INDIVIDUAL: Welcome to the Palace... fools! -- Brief Notes: Next comes Part Two of "Daughters." It's gonna be a wacky one, 'cause now that the setting is... outside the traditional MST3K universe, I'm going to have more fun than ever! I've got two and a half weeks until holiday break, so I'd like to get going on Part Two while I have a chance. Watch for it to come soon. -Alan Disclaimers: "Elfquest," its characters, etc., are copyright 1978-1998 Warp Graphics. "Mystery Science Theater 3000," its characters, etc., are copyright 1988- 1998 Best Brains, Inc. This MSTing was created by Alan (John Alan Riggs) on November 30, 1998.