--Alan -- Projects for Spring 2000 1. "ElfQuiz: Death (The First Movie)." This project now has top priority! For those who don't know, 'Quiz: Death is another take on the first four EQ books. So far, it's retaining a good level of quality. I'd like to get the story done in ten parts. There's a good chance that'll happen by May (when summer break starts). I'm still trying to release a new installment every 2-3 weeks... wish me luck! 2. More humor files. I may never get around to updating the old ones, but at least there'll be something worthwhile on the page. 3. Creating a few more articles for the long-neglected Ficstuff. 4. Unfortunately, authentic EQ graphics are out of the question. However, there is a chance I might learn how to draw soon... -Alan January 25, 2000 e-mail: Elfquest spoofs: eq_addiction.tripod.com Anime humor: members.xoom.com/ChrOtaku Nega-Hell MSTings: fanficoutlet.tripod.com/negahell