--Alan -- Can I write this in 40 minutes? Sure I can. ## Quiz: Death installment 4 By Alan ## [INT. Leetah's house. It's dark, since it's night.] LEETAH Ugh... um... [As she tosses and turns in slumber, she knocks over a plant.] LEETAH No... not the five-fingered man... WOLVES [voiceover] HooooooWOOOOOOwwwwooooohoooowoooooo... [Leetah springs back to consciousness.] LEETAH The wolves... they are howling! [She quickly dresses.] LEETAH I'd better hurry... *** [EXT. a barren mesa. The Wolfriders have gathered for a howl.] WOODLOCK So that's when I told him, "$@&** you, man! I got a whole lot of ~##| to do, and I don't need this sort of ^%&* to ruin my @#*@$%'n day!" [The other Wolfriders applaud.] WOODLOCK Thank you. I think I'll slip away quietly now. STRONGBOW *Good.* TREESTUMP Now that his interlude is out of the way... does anyone want to hear a real story? OTHERS Yes! Please! TREESTUMP Right. Then... I shall begin. [A light illuminates Treestump's face from below.] TREESTUMP It was a night... a night not unlike this night... and on that night, a tragic hunt happened! DEWSHINE I'm confused. Did this happen at night? MOONSHADE Shhhh! TREESTUMP Listen, my children, and you shall hear the midnight ride of the Wolfriders! *** [EXT. the woods of the old holt. The flashback is clearly distinguished by its dark, grainy footage.] SKYWISE We must finish this scene. We must finish this scene. RAIN I hear you loud and clear, little one! [A twig snaps.] SKYWISE What was _that_?? FOXFUR I'm scared!! CUTTER We're all scared, Foxfur... we're all scared... RAIN Well, I'm really, really, REALLY scared!! [Pause. They examine the trail.] JOYLEAF What's that on the ground? BEARCLAW Two sticks crossed over each other. ONE-EYE It's _him_! TREESTUMP Shhh! Don't say it, don't say it! ONE-EYE The _Madcoil_! OTHERS Aaaaaaghhhhh! I'm scared! [Pause. Rain looks up.] RAIN Aaaaaghhh-- [The footage suddenly stops.] *** [Back at the howl...] TREESTUMP It was terrible. We lost so many of our number... [Treestump looks at the group. They are all indulging in sugary snacks.] TREESTUMP Well, if you listened to me, you would know better. Not that I'm bitter or anything. CUTTER Of course not, old man. [They break into fight sequence #47.] CLEARBROOK Oh, Cutter... You really need more of your mother's influence. SCOUTER Why is that? CLEARBROOK Because Joyleaf was an honor-loving elf. She would have none of this aimless fighting. She would insist the whole lot of them solve their problems immediately, or else engage in a fight-to-the-death. SCOUTER I... see... [From over a rock, Leetah looks at the group.] LEETAH How immature! *** [EXT. Sorrow's End, by day. Cutter and Leetah are having a conversation near the village well.] CUTTER So... LEETAH ... CUTTER ... LEETAH ... CUTTER Do you... LEETAH ... CUTTER ... LEETAH Go on... CUTTER ... LEETAH ... CUTTER Do you... LEETAH ... CUTTER Do you want to.. LEETAH ... CUTTER ... LEETAH ... CUTTER ... LEETAH Yes, what is it? CUTTER ...Do you want to... LEETAH ... CUTTER ...want to have a drink of water? LEETAH Sure. [She takes a drink.] CUTTER (Whew...) LEETAH (That sure took a while...) CUTTER Well, now that I've said that... LEETAH Yes? CUTTER Um... something's wrong here. LEETAH What? I don't see anything. CUTTER Look up. [Both of them look up.] LEETAH Oh... oh, my. [The two sight a small shape hurtling down toward them.] CUTTER Oh, man... this is going to hurt. LEETAH Catch it!! [Cutter thrusts his arms skyward.] LEETAH Make sure your aim is right. CUTTER You have to help a little bit, you know... [Cutter checks his position.] LEETAH There. I think you're about right. [THUD! The falling thing lands right on Cutter's face.] LEETAH ... Ha ha... Oops. CUTTER Ouchie... [The "thing," now revealed to be an elf--approximately 6 years old--stands on the ground, between the couple.] ELF Hello everybody! CUTTER Um... who are _you_? ELF Me? I'm Ember!! I'm looking for my mommy and daddy!! LEETAH Um... but how did you fall from...? EMBER Oh, that's a long story. Come along and help me find my mommy and daddy!! [Cutter and Leetah sigh.] CUTTER Very well. We'll help you-- LEETAH --if you promise to stop screaming. EMBER OK then!! Let's go!! [They sigh once again. The trio heads toward Savah's hut.] -- To Be Continued... in installment 5 (thus far untitled). -Alan e-mail: ChrOtaku@xoommail.com Elfquest spoofs: eq_addiction.tripod.com Anime writings: fanficoutlet.tripod.com It'll be the end of November before I post anything new. Thanks for your patience. At that time, I'll give this document a slight re-format, and state what my next project will be. Until then... thank you! "Watase: Artist for the boys' comic, Shonen Perv."