From the Archives... Unedited!

The Original Plot Outline of Take-a-Look 3

3: Curtains of Glue Fountain

"Spirit Wars": Having fallen from the Pages, our heroes find themselves in the strange and uncomfortable Glue Fountain. No one can understand this huge pit of sticky substances, or why they don't just drown in it. So they fall in, down until they hit the bottom, where they find an old and dusty castle, with curtains everywhere. It is inhabited by the most bizarre elves ever seen - the Elfriders.

"The Social Comedy": After a brief and indecisive trading of insults, the characters decide NOT to go on a massive raid of destruction. This is good, because everything here turns out to be highly flammable. And so the Wolfriders try out life at the bottom of Glue Fountain. Windkid shows up again, and annoys the heck out of the characters. It is not altogether to their liking, so Dewshine produces a torch. The only thing that prevents her from burning down the whole thing is this annoying Elfrider (Tihl-dahk) who keeps staring and staring at her.

"Strange Method of Resolution...": Backed into a corner, the Elfriders "surrender." This plot was devised by Winn'O'Will, a rather twisted and sadistic Elfrider. They claim to know how to get out of Glue Fountain, but it is very difficult and they'll have to take them. This is obviously a trap, so some of the craftier Wolfriders consider coming up with a better solution. None come to mind, so they leave with the Elfriders, AND burn down the place.

"From Here to Somewhere Else": Crashing through the Preserver Grove, the Wolfriders are taken to the "North Pole," where they will supposedly meet the "Jolly Old Elf." However, they end up at the magnetic north pole, and it's infested by lethargic yet deadly (magnetic) polar bears. As the Elfriders leave, laughing, both groups are slowly massacred. Suddenly, Moonshade's contract expires...

Scary, huh?

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This is a not-for-profit fan page, and is not affiliated with or sponsored by any person, company, or entity (with the exception of the webrings) mentioned within. Elfquest, its characters, and all indicia thereof are copyright 1978-1998 Warp Graphics. "The ElfQuiz Parody" is a satire thereof and should not be misconstrued as an actual work of Warp Graphics or its employees. This page was created, by John Alan Riggs (more commonly called Alan), on October 24, 1998.