Quiz Rebirth -- Index and Guide

First Things First

Wondering what's new in Quiz Rebirth? Start here...

New Character Profiles: a guide to the new characters.

One Story Leads to Another

Quiz Rebirth is the last EQ spoof story I will write. That said, I want to make it worthwhile. A little knowledge of the previous stories (especially Quiz Death) will help.

So if you're unaccustomed to the 'Quiz universe, you have been warned. (Heh.)

Installment 1... in which several elves experience recognition, and find strangers watching over them.

Installment 2 will be released in a few weeks. I'm hoping to have it done in 21 days.

Last updated July 14, 2000.

-Alan (alias Gekiganwing)

email: gekiganwing@mailcity.com

Elfquest and everything associated with it is copyright 1978-2000 Warp Graphics.