The Poetry Syte

Ever have a dream that has just stuck with you all your life?  I have... 
Here it is: an electronic book, published to the world wide web, and dedicated to my precious art.   I wish to extend a very, very, very warm welcome to you.  My name is Jamberry, and I am a self-entitled poet.   Perhaps I just feel fulfilled when I am moulding words into forms?  It would seem so, since I am always writing more, and having a website gives me the chance to update rather than publishing a finished book, which cannot be altered once it is off the press.  Please, take a long look around...  I hope you enjoy!  :)  All the best to you on your many travels!

All poems copyright property of Jacinta A. Meyers, "Jamberry".  Please do not steal!!  And have a great day.  :o)

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The pages of poems:

Out in the Dark

UPDATES:  More various new stuff.  New poems and illustrations spread throughout.  I am going to work on getting even more new stuff up within the next few days.  With finals, though, I don't know how well I am going to managa to do that. 
The Forum page is new.  It allows you, the visitors, to post some of your own poetry up on the site.  I will try to check that regularly to offer feedback there.  There are some other new assorted stuff, small stuff, in various parts of the site.  I am going to be adding some pictures and drawings and things in the near future, too, so keep a watch out for that!  :)
Peace, love, and prosperity always!
 ~ Jamberry

If you like what you see, and would like to vote for my website, "Poems From Another's Soul," in the Bards of Fortune battles, please click this link:
Thanks!  Have a wonderful day.  :)

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Poetry and Photographs copyright by Jacinta A. Meyers, 2002.  DO NOT STEAL!!!

Self Portrait with a Camera